It will depend on your FLD and whether they've ever had one before! At one point or another i've had both of the licenseable components on my certificate separately (i.e. the barrel and upper reciever), both where classed as firearms in their own right and both had their own 'slot'. So you may need to get them as separate items, or they may add them as one (i think they would only do that if they've done it before and the FLM was happy with it).Tomo wrote:ok, got another sign92
What happens if i want a 5.56mm armalite straightpull for csr but i also wanted a different, longer barreled upper receiver for it as well? is that still one slot or is it classed as two?
I also had a .22lr Ceiner conversion kit for my AR and I was told by the FEO that as they had never had one before and as it wasn't listed on the NFLMS they just had to "make something up" :roll: IIRC it went on my certificate as a '.22lr adaptor'?? When i sold my AR-15 filling in the guys certificate was a nightmare as the upper and lower receivers had different serial numbers and his FLD had just classed the Ceiner conversion kit as a whole .22lr rifle!?