Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

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Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#1 Post by gab »

Hello my name is Grant. I work as a biologist with the Government of British Columbia and have been target shooting and hunting for well over 40 years. I shoot airguns, .22 pistols and rifles, black powder handguns, various large bore rifles and shotguns. I have a fondness for the .455 and own several Webley, Colt and Smith and Wesson revolvers in this caliber - all are Canadian World War I surplus. For some foolish reason we aren't allowed to hunt with handguns in Canada so my hunting activities are restricted to long guns and archery equipment. Two years ago, I developed an interest in crossbows and to date have harvested two deer with the crossbow. With the exception of rim fire cartridges, I reload my own ammunition. I find reloading a great way to relax after a day at the office and it does help reduce costs. My great grandfathers on both sides of the family immigrated from England over a century ago and I was curious to learn of the types of shooting activities that take place in the UK so I decided to join this forum. That, and I was hoping some of the folks here would share their favorite .303 British load. Aside from shooting, I fish, pan for gold and metal detect.

Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#2 Post by Watcher »

I love Vancouver and Vancouver Island. I had a holiday there a few years ago and had some fantastic salmon fishing at Campbell River. If I were a young man I'd move there like a shot.

Welcome Gab.
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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#3 Post by dromia »

Hello! and welcome: :grin: :wave:

Standard .303" accuracy load over here is something between 39-41gns Vihtavuori N140 under a 174 gn Sierra Matchking.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#4 Post by 20series »

Hi and welcome to the forum, its a great place with lots of friendly help and info :goodjob:

Dromia has already given you the 303 info :cheers:

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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#5 Post by Christel »

Hello Grant and welcome to the forum.


Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#6 Post by greenshoots »

hi grant welcome, lovely part of the world furtherest we have been in bc is kamloops and down to kelowna, been meaning to go to vancouver our youngest lives in alberta

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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#7 Post by ovenpaa »

Welcome Grant, a great introduction I assume you gave at least one Ross in your collection?

From memory Vancouver Island has the oldest known tracked vehicle somewhere! Last I heard it was sitting in a clearing slowly becoming one with the earth. Possibly a Ruston or Hornsby or similar..

Excellent fish there Watcher!

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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#8 Post by johngarnett »

Welcome from Cornwall, UK Grant.

My ancestors came from Van Isl and I've been threatening to try to trace them. I told my wife the only way was a visit and to take in some gun clubs as they may remember them there! No joy so far!

Look forward to some handgun tales and must-have scenic pics please.


Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#9 Post by gab »

Do I have a Ross? Of course! A Mark II 5* that was thankfully never sportarized. Uncut Ross rifles are hard to come by over here. It seems most Ross and Enfields were "improved" by cutting off excess bits of wood for use as moose and deer hunting rifles.

Lately, I have been using 40 grains of H380 with a 174 grain round nose Hornady for my .303 load. It is a pleasant load for target shooting, but is likely a bit light for moose. With Mr. Obama's re-election south of the border and his threat regarding gun control, Americans are stock piling ammunition and reloading components making them sometimes difficult to obtain in Canada. My wife is American and in past years I used to buy my reloading components in the USA while visiting family. Now it is illegal for non-residents (including Americans living outside the USA) to be in possession of guns, ammunition or reloading components while on US soil so that source is no more. I sometimes feel that I am addicted to a dying sport. I am a member of two gun ranges and at 56 years of age feel like a kid as most members are well into their 60s and beyond. There are relatively few children here taking up the shooting sports. I guess the media and schools have done a good job brain washing the younger folk that guns are bad. I find it sad, but try to intoduce younger people to shooting whenever the opportunity arises.
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Re: Greetings from Vancouver Island, Canada

#10 Post by Sandgroper »

G'day Gab. I may have to pick your brains regarding deciphering Canada's firearms laws! sign01 I sat the unrestricted test a little while ago - just need to get sorted and get my PAL.
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