I've been looking forward to today's outing for ages, and finally the day arrived.
As instructed I reported to the main gates with 2 passport photos, name address and club written on the back.
After a briefing on safety we moved onto the firing point.
Only 200m today but enough to get my range certification. I shot 20 rds with the club BSA .308, with iron sights 'about there', managed to get them all in the black .. Then 10rds with a fellow club members scoped remmy 700 in .223 .. And got them all in the black with 5 'v' bulls .. Then 10rds with a 1912 lee Enfield and got them all in the black .. Finished the day with taking my turn in the butts
Absolutely loved the day and if it was possible its whetted my appetite even more for when my certificate arrives !!
First time at altcar ..
Moderator: dromia
Re: First time at altcar ..
..and of course it helped that it was a lovely sunny day. Don't be fooled! We were on C Range at 300.
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