Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

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Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#1 Post by slate »

Looking to start deer stalking as my new hobby. I'm after my own rifle as soon as, though I realise this may translate to 6+months, so in the meantime I'll be trying to improve my skill level and get some shoots under my belt.

I'm thinking I should do a DSC1 since this will give me a solid grounding in all aspects and display my responsible attitude to the whole shebang. Next will be to join the British Sporting Rifle Club at Bisley where I can get some range time and make the contacts needed to get some documented land for my FAC. I'm assuming my initial FAC will ask for Target/Range and Named Land.

Assuming this all makes sense....I'll be looking for a .243, possibly a used Steyr Mannlicher Stutzen with scope or Sako 75 i.e. something that'll also be useful at 300m ranges and McQueen. I guess this will be around Xmas time.....? Inevitably the rifle I want has just come up on Gunstar but I would guess there is no way I could get that bought/tested and held by someone until such time as I qualify to hold it.

The rifle: ... 88655.aspx

This sound like a plan, am I missing any tricks here?
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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#2 Post by dromia »

Hi tox, welcome to the forum! :wave:

Why not introduce your self a bit more in the New Members Forum?

Sounds like you have a plan.

I'd certainly put in for more than one rifle.

I'd put target shooting down as a reason as well as stalking so that if you join a club or the NRA if you are near Bisley you have reason to possess rather than waiting for land permissions to be found. After a six month probationary period then you can apply for your FAC.

BSRC shoot running deer and boar, great fun to shoot just a shame there are so few ranges around the country.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#3 Post by slate »

Willdo the intro.

I'm assuming that I'm wasting my time going for .270 or .308 on my first ticket In reality I'd like a .308 for the 1000yd range at Bisley but that may be overkill for the smaller species, so I'm resigned to having two used guns rather than one new "once in a lifetime" purchase. I don't want to be under-gunned when I go to Scotland.

Forgot to say that I will stick two .22 rifles on the ticket as I currently shoot .22 match and would like a scaled down version of my big rifle to get cheap practice. Plus there is an LSR competition at my club.

Any idea how I find ranges/clubs? I'm looking for a 300m range (or at last 100m) near W7. It's an hour to Bisley so this restricts it to weekend use only.

Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#4 Post by M99 »

Have a think about the 6.5/55 as both a stalking rifle and a range rifle. It will do you well to over a 1000yds and with 129gr rounds is suitable for the smaller deer species. Then with 142gr more than capable on big reds and sika.

I shot a verg big red stag last summer with my 6.5/55 with 129gr interlocks. It didnt go anywhere, very good expansion and a very accurate round.

Saying that I also use my 308 on the smaller deer and there is no loss of meat.
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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#5 Post by dromia »

You can ask for a 308 or any other calibre, for target shooting no reason why that shouldn't be granted at all and then get a stalking condition added when you have the stalking organised.

I currently use .222, 6mm Musgrave and .303 for my stalking, all second hand rifles. The .222 is a BSA, the 6mm and the 303 are both on sporterised Lee Enfield No4 actions. All three wouldn't have cost me more than £500 if that.

Good glass is important, I have an Ajack on the 303 and Pecars on the other two.

Just another approach from buying new, bambi doesn't know the difference. :grin:

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#6 Post by dodgyrog »

Welcome to the forum.
I reckon Jelen Deer Services might be a good place to start your stalking, but be prepared to have deep pockets.
I use a Tikka T3 in .243 but am importing a 7mm-08 barrel for it. I feel the .243 is just not quite enough gun - but many will disagree.
Level 1 DMQ helps get you some stalking but it is very hard to find down south.
Dromia is quite correct, the quality of glass is really important. I like the old German Zeiss scopes with a No 1 (post) reticule but this is not everybody's cup of tea.
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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#7 Post by slate »

I was looking at .270.... I guess the final choice can wait though. It needs to be good for target at 100/300/500/1000 and legal for deer in Scotland, hit hard enough for Boar but not mess the meat on the smaller species, so I guess this means downloadable.

Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#8 Post by slate »

dodgyrog wrote:...I reckon Jelen Deer Services might be a good place to start your stalking...
Thanks for that, looking to book onto their 24/5 course - assuming that gives me enough swotting time...

I guess I could also ask about a stalk the same weekend, once the course is over.
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Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#9 Post by kennyc »

tox wrote:
dodgyrog wrote:...I reckon Jelen Deer Services might be a good place to start your stalking...
Thanks for that, looking to book onto their 24/5 course - assuming that gives me enough swotting time...

I guess I could also ask about a stalk the same weekend, once the course is over.
if you ask, they will provide :good: however, if the course is run in the same way as the one I did, you will be there until after 21.00 on the friday, and dawn is 0-my bloody God! early at this time of year tongueout . personally I think the .243 is a bit on the small side, but it is viable for target use, and AI versions are good to over 1000 yds! if you decide to do a wide range of stalking then .270 or .308 would be a better choice, 6.5mm rounds are also a very good option, and most likely better in rapid fire comps due to the lower recoil. if you like the Stutzen style then you may be limited to what comes up, the other thing to consider is whether you are going to reload, as some calibres for target use are considerably more expensive than .308 unless you reload. good luck

Re: Starting Deer Stalking and 300m Target Plus McQueen

#10 Post by slate »

Ok, not much movement on this recently due to wife illness. Will try to get to Bisley next week and get some advice at a club down there....which club though.....?

I've been lurking the forums in the meantime and have spotted that there are some really good prices for older BSA and Parker Hale rifles. I'm very much a fan of the safari style rifles and a full monte carlo stock. Moving away from Stutzen as I'd like a moderator for stalking and a muzzle brake for McQueen.

So, PH1200 or early BSA....good choice for under £500 with glass?

I am looking for a once in lifetime purchase that won't be touched...but ideally if I can find the "same" rifle in different calibres I could get a second action to make into a custom 1200 yard it looks like I could come in well under budget....What would be the best calibre for 1200yard targets?
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