Gun cabinet fitting - suitable locations ?

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Gun cabinet fitting - suitable locations ?

#1 Post by sconie »

Hi all, as I explained in my intro post I am looking to start using rifles for my own use, I have held my FAC and Shotgun cert for fifteen years for my employment, but only use the company firearms.

Although I enjoy shooting and look forward to buying my own, my wife does not share this passion, hence I would like advice on the best location to keep a firearm cabinet, our detached home is a modern open plan build with an integral garage, to keep the cabinet out of the way I would prefer to mount it in the integral garage if acceptable or in the loft.

Do you think I would have any issues with the licencing office in doing this ?
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Re: Gun cabinet fitting - suitable locations ?

#2 Post by dromia »

Speak with your local firearms licensing and get their take on it as they are the ones that will have to be happy with it.

Get them out and explain what you'd like to do and get their input then when it comes to the inspection there will be no surprises on either side, get them involved that is what they are there for.

Come on Bambi get some

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