hmmm. there's the rub , I want to add the tull range of calibres , ammo , suppressors on this variation but if I put it for say seven calibres including upper conversations , I do not want a knock back qnd end up missing out on some of the classics above.Mattnall wrote:These are usually sold as "barrelled action [calibre]", but I have seen one force that insisted on listing as barrel, bolt and receiver (three separate slots!).sconie wrote:
If I buy an AR15 in .223/5.56 what do I request on the variation if I want .300 and .22 uppers rather than a full rifle ?
The whole licensing system is not really designed for the AR's different design, if it's not lock, stock and barrel then it's won't fit the system. Some FEOs and departments are still a bit in the dark about the whole AR thing.
Don't tell the FEO what rifle you're thinking of buying, never give more info than specifically asked for.
I know of at least one force that will try to stop you buying the AR7 if they know that's what you want.
I am fortunate that I can now afford to buy and build a collection and I don't want to run into problems on my first variation.