Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement....

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Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement....

#1 Post by walesdave »

Hi All,

Sorry for an epic post, but if you want the background to this post then have a quick look here: but the short version is...

I have the facilities to shoot a Sec1 shotgun, I have the intention to shoot a Sec1 shotgun, I want a Sec1 shotgun - please give me a 1-for-1 variation so I can go and buy one :good: .

As can be seen in the linked post, I made a prediction that "Now I just have to wait for Gwents' finest to refuse my 1 for 1, then I complain....then they grant it...." me Nostradamus....but bring it on!!! I'm short, I'm fat and I'm a bl*&dy barack room lawyer with nothing better to do than pi$$ off any one in authority who thinks they're above the rest of us 'Little People'. Me v's Gwent Police, I might lose, but there'll be a hell of a lot of shouting before I go down ****

Before I rant on, please do not think me anti-police in any way because I'm not. Plod on the street gets my complete respect (most of the time anyway) and I fully agree most coppers are doing a job I couldn't do myself. I just hate management in ANY field who thinks they can make up or change the rules to suit their personal whims.

Anyway, to the point of this's my reply to Gwents' Firearms Licensing you think I might change her mind?

"Dear Ms. Gxxxxxxx,

Thank you for your letter of 13th Sep. where you inform me of the decision to refuse my 1-for-1 variation for a Section 1 shotgun due to my not meeting the good reason criteria. As explained by FEO Lindon Pxxxxxx, according to Gwent Police all Section 1 Shotgun grants for Target or Practical shotgun can only be made to members of the UKPSA.

Unfortunately I cannot agree with the stance taken by Gwent Polices’ Firearms Licensing Department as it appears to be neither rooted in law (the various Firearms Amendment Acts) nor based upon the current Home Office Guide on Firearms Licensing Law which was published August 2013. As this latest Home Office guide is a recent publication I have included a link to the Home Office website in case Gwent Police are still using the older (2006) Home Office Guidance document. ... olice-2012

As your refusal of my variation application was based on my non-membership of the UKPSA I would like to challenge this on several points:
• The UKPSA is not mentioned in ANY firearms legislation
• The good reason requirement for any form of target shooting is satisfied by the applicant having the opportunity and intention to use the firearm being applied for
o Guidance notes: 13.49. “[section 1 shot guns] can, however, be held on an individual’s firearm certificate as long as they have the facilities to use the firearms for target shooting.”
o Dxxxxx Rifle and Pistol club has the facilities to shoot both Target Shotgun and Practical Shotgun on its own ranges and does so on a regular basis

• While the Home Office Guide on Firearms Licensing Law 2013 makes reference to membership of the UKPSA it is clear that this is not a pre-requisite to granting a Section 1 Shotgun application as membership of an NRA affiliated club is specifically given for Section 1 Shotgun use ahead of membership of the UKPSA
o Guidance notes: 13.56. “Applicants should normally be a member of a relevant organisation such as the National Rifle Association, the United Kingdom Practical Shooting Association or National Target Shotgun Association, either individually or as a member of an affiliated club.”
• While not relevant to my case as I am a member of a National Rifle Association Affiliated Club, I would suggest that the use of the word ‘normally’ within section 13.56 of the guidance notes refutes the assertion by Gwent Police that an applicant must be a member of any organisation, let alone restricted to the UKPSA, before being granted authority to possess a Section 1 Shotgun and allows the issuing force the discretion to grant authority solely on membership of a club which has the facilities to shoot Section 1 shotguns.

To summarise, I would be grateful if you would personally reconsider my application for a 1-for-1 variation to my Firearms Certificate to allow the authority to possess a Section 1 Shotgun based on the following:

1. I have the faculties and intention to use the shotgun on a regular basis as required in 13.49 of the 2013 guidance notes
2. I am a member of a National Rifle Association Affiliated Club as required by section 13.56 of the 2013 guidance notes.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on any of the telephone numbers listed below if you wish to discuss this further.
Yours sincerely,

David xxxxx"

I'm giving it a 20% chance of grant at first complaint :lol: , but the problem we have in Gwent at the moment is that a licensed shotgun owner killed his wife last month so I think the FEO's are running a little scarred.

Last question...Does anyone know if the IPCC deals with complaints about licensing?


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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#2 Post by meles meles »

Keep chewing at their ankles, ooman...
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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#3 Post by breacher »

Well written letter.
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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#4 Post by the running man »

What about flocking birds? Its what ive got mine for....
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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#5 Post by Polchraine »

As the certificate would be issued and signed by the CC surely the letter should have been addressed to him.

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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#6 Post by Blackstuff »

If you're a member of a club that shoots TSG/PSG just get yourself along for a few shoots with an S2 gun then ask whoever runs it within the club/the secretary to write you a note saying you shoot it and they have the facilities. The UKPSA member thing has been successfully challenged at least 3 times that i know of.

Good luck! :good:

Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#7 Post by Gaz »

Good luck! Be interesting to see how they respond and try to defend this one.

Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#8 Post by 4Islander »


I see your a member of Dursley RPC, some of their members have visited my club at Worcester Norton, we hold monthly PSG events as well as practice days where you would be welcome.

four4islands has a multi-gun match coming up there on 5th October.

Another four4islands club not a million miles from you is Frome RPC who are also active with four4islands & hold multi-gun matches as well as upcoming PSG events from next season.

With regards to affiliations to national groups there are several to choose from & I see not something you like the sound of but four4islands offers optional yearly membership with full insurance cover for £20 which is a bargain in my opinion.

You should contact James Harris who is the NRA target shotgun rep, he could offer you some sound advice.


Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#9 Post by Dannywayoflife »

Good luck hope you get the result you deserve. It really niggles me that there is such a difference between the differing police authorities
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Re: Sec1 Shotgun: Gwent Police and the 'UKPSA' requirement..

#10 Post by walesdave »

Thanks for all the useful comments - knowing you're not alone in all of this means a lot :good:

Running Man: afraid I'm not into shooting birds, I'm too much of a woosie

Polchraine: Google 'Gwent's Chief Constable'....we're a bit short of one at the mo :lol: I could aim the letter at the Acting CC but I have no idea how long he'll be around!

Blackstuff: wouldn't be enough according to Gwent police. They insist on UKPSA membership for either the individual or club

4Islander: bit far for me as I'm in the Welsh valleys, but thanks for the invite and (if the wife agrees fingerscrossed ) I'd love to visit sometime. A far as shooting organisations go, I think my cheque will be on the way to 4islands - once my Sec1 is approved!! Bl&^dy minded I know, but it's the principle that I don't need to be a member of UKPSA, 4islands etc. etc. that I want Gwent to agree with, once granted I'll join in an instant!
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