8 X 57 JRS Ammo .323 rimmed

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7mm longrangesniper

8 X 57 JRS Ammo .323 rimmed

#1 Post by 7mm longrangesniper »

Hi Guys
Anyone got any 8 X 57JRS ammo or cases or bullet tips .323, PM if you have etc, JRS is the rimmed version, Thank You.


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Re: 8 X 57 JRS Ammo .323 rimmed

#2 Post by Chapuis »

As you are asking for tips the only tips I could suggest are;

1) New cases available from Westlander or try www.egun.de where once fired cases are regularly offered for sale at very good prices.

2) Expanding bullets (8mm .323") are not something regularly stocked by most gun shops in this country but once again Westlander have a stock of these and also Norman Clark had some in stock. Quite a few gun shops stock non expanding Sellior & Bellot fmj bullets as these are very popular with reloaders for the rimless round.

A nice calibre that I have been reloading for a number of years. I too had difficulty sourcing reloading supplies at first but sorted it in the end. I also cast 175grn Lee bullets for use in my O/U Unifrance (Zoli).
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meles meles
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Re: 8 X 57 JRS Ammo .323 rimmed

#3 Post by meles meles »

Bullet tips?

Is this a degeneracy beyond bullet heads?

Do you really mean bullets, ooman ?
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