New boy in Surrey.

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Re: New boy in Surrey.

#11 Post by JS569 »

Hello! Welcome, you'll certainly find many helpful people here with some amazing knowledge. Also just flitting away evenings reading about shooting isn't half bad! :)

Re: New boy in Surrey.

#12 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

Hello John, Happy New year and all that! Your just the chap for some advice I'm after concerning TR rifles for sale at Fultons? I'm not sure this is the correct place to ask but have a look at their site on the target rifle page at F2563,F2382,F1626 and lastly F2377. I'm well aware of their famous pricing issues but that aside what do you think? I've been down to look at them all a couple of times but feel like Im a "tire kicker" talking to them!

As for the GOMs shall we get Tony on here and give them all a good run for their money?

Cheers mate,Paul.

Re: New boy in Surrey.

#13 Post by Dougan »

I've had a look at some of those rifles myself - The last one is like my Swing, same barrel too...however it doesn't say it's a 30" barrel (which is preferable) and the stock is a bit basic (no thumb-hole or adjustable cheek rest) - Also at that price the barrel is likely to be at least half way though it's's still a nice rifle, but if you can afford better...

The first two are very nice rifles - The RPA Quadlock action is excellent, as is the Paramount action, and both have 30" barrels in good condition...

...I really like the third one (F1626) but would want them to put an adjustable front sight on it.

Fultons can get some unfair criticism of their pricing - I went in with Tony to look at a nice Paramount (had been in there for ages, but I can't see it on the site now) - We tried to negotiate, but as it turned out they were selling it on behalf of a customer and he would not budge on the price (Colin from Fultons called and asked)...

...I personally don't mind a bit of 'tyre-kicking', but it's no good if they're selling on commission.

There's some serious TR shooters here on the site, and I've had some really good advice - You could post 'a question for TR shooters' on the forum and ask the same question...I'd be interested to hear some other opinions about those rifles and the prices...

...also, there are quite a few rifles sold on here (though not often TR rifles) - you never know, someone might be able to point you in the direction of a good private sale...?

I have mentioned the forum to Tony; I think he'd like it...but if he got into GOMs it could be a bit :o as well as :lol: .....tell him about it next time you see him at Surbiton, it would be cool to have him on here as well.

Re: New boy in Surrey.

#14 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

Cheers John, I'm torn between the RPA and the Paramount but after hearing bad things about Fultons prices I'm put off a bit. The RPA is being sold for a customer and they can't budge on the price.

Good idea about asking on the TR's section, I may give it a go.

Is the forum ready for Tony? Can they handle it? Should he have his own page maybe? Personally I think we should film our Bisley lunchtime chats and put them on Youtube, imagine it, Tony goes viral !!!!!

Re: New boy in Surrey.

#15 Post by Dougan »

The RPA is probably the better rifle (purely due to the action), but there's something clinical about it and personally I'd take either of the Paramounts...especially at 650 quid less...

Remember the first rule about CDRC lunchtime chats.... ;)

And I reckon GOMs can handle Tony...he'll (he'll murder me when he reads all this) probably love it...
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Re: New boy in Surrey.

#16 Post by Mattnall »

Hello and welcome :wave:
Arming the Country, one gun at a time.

Good deals with Paul101, Charlotte the flyer, majordisorder, Charlie Muggins, among others. Thanks everybody.
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