Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

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Joe Pugh
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Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#1 Post by Joe Pugh »

Hi all new member hear. :wales:

I am 18 years old have had a shotgun license for a good 3 years now have a job at a clay shooting ground and am looking at other disciplines.

Ironically since i have had this job at a shooting ground my shooting has dropped down to almost nothing and i have a few guns in the cabinet waiting to be shot :bad:

So i was looking at small bore and full bore shooting to go alongside my clay shooting.

I am close to Brecon and I have heard there is a shooting range there near if not in the barracks. If anyone knows anything about this some advice or guidance would be much appreciated. I have heard about another range in Sennybridge "offas" i think its known as and i know that the Brecon club shoots there sometimes but i was looking at the M.O.D range. I know someone who shoots there and i normal shoot clay's with him but as i haven shot for a while i haven been in touch with him.

Anyway enough for now got some reading to catch up on from this forum.

Thanks all.
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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#2 Post by Christel »

Hi Joe, welcome to FB :wave:

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#3 Post by rox »

Joe Pugh wrote:Hi all new member hear. :wales:

In case you don't find anything closer: as of 31st Jan there should be regular (fortnightly) access to the 600m Rogiet Moor range, near the (new) Severn Crossing. The plan is to run the range along the lines of the NRA shooting club and to offer TR, Match Rifle, F Class, Muzzle Loading, and Civilian Service Rifle shooters the facility to practice, with the possibility of competitions. It will be organised under the auspices of the South Wales County Rifle Association. If you're interested, once you have enough posts under your belt send me a pm and I'll put you in touch with the organiser.

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#4 Post by dromia »


Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#5 Post by ovenpaa »

Welcome to the forum, it is always good to see younger shooters coming into the sport and hopefully the transition to new shooting disciplines will be smooth and you will be down at a local rifle range very soon.

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#6 Post by greenshoots »

hi joe welcome, would have thought monmouth full bore tunnel would have been easier also cardiff has a full bore club

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#7 Post by 20series »

Hi Joe

Welcome to the forum, it's a great place to ask all the questions you have :goodjob: :good:

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Re: Hello from a surprisingly sunny south Wales

#8 Post by Mattnall »

Welcome :wave:

There's Sennybridge Training Area that several clubs have access to, but then there's Offa's Duke shooting club. I've shot with them a Llansillin and I think at Warcop (although that might have been another club).
Take a look at http://www.offasrifleclub.com/
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