Which .308 T/R foresight?

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Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#11 Post by rox »

Dougan wrote:...so it might be best to get the sight put on and use it a few times with normal elements first
I'm not aware that it's possible to use normal elements with anything other than an 18mm foresight. There certainly isn't a slot in the top of the 30mm ones - you might get the plastic inserts in larger sizes, but they're a faff to change between distances.
Dougan wrote:Another thing to consider is that your choice of iris (with respect to it's range of aperture size) may depend on whether you do need lenses or not...
It usually does - I have different iris ranges for my 0.3 lens and my 0.5.


Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#12 Post by Dougan »

Thanks for pointing that out Rox; I'd wrongly assumed that they had them, as I've not used bigger than 18mm...

...so got to choose an iris from the start then...
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Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#13 Post by johngarnett »


As you live near Mecca could you wait until a 'big' shoot is on, go along and talk to the shooters? You can find the big comps from the NRA website. Us shooters love to talk about our wares!! With RO cooperation you could lie down and try the sight pictures at long and short ranges?

JohnG :cornwall:

Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#14 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

What would be useful is a place where you can try out all these combinations on some sort of test rig, does such a place exist? Or have I just given away a good idea?
My eyesight is pretty good for a 52 yr old although I do need reading glasses, so I'm longsighted. Not sure if I need lenses,yet!
My Anschutz is fitted with a 25mm foresight and its a pleasure to use. Its fixed, has no markings on it and uses pink plastic elements. If it were adjustable it would be ideal.
I think my best bet is to get around some shops and have a good look at whats on offer first then work out the details like iris range and/or lens combinations after.
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Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#15 Post by johngarnett »

I'm not sure there are any shops that stock the sights in the UK other than HPS, hence my suggestion of a trip to Bisley. I did contemplate having a range of sights to try etc but having just retired I appreciated the hasslefreeness of life!! plus living in Cornwall makes Bisley a days travel away!!
If you have 'normal' distance you are emmetropic. If you need reading spex, which happens to most emmetropic people at 45/50ish, you are presbyopic. You may wish to consider a visit to a 'shooting optician' to get a proper assessment.
You will probably get by with a +0.25dioptre lens in the foresight assuming no long distance correction to consider.
PM me if you want any more info?

Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#16 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

Thanks John G, I shall bear that in mind.

Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#17 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

Hello chums, after taking in all the good advice I received here I took the plunge and had a Fultons adjustable foresight fitted. Its in 22 mm as I thought its a good compromise between 18mm and 35mm for sight picture, accessories and price (£120 fitted). It can take elements but I've also got myself a pair of Gehmann 520 irises in 2.4-4.4 and 4.0-6.0 so covering the whole range and allowing for future eagle eyes ect. I also fitted a 22 mm fixed foresight to my Anschutz 1813 so I can use the irises on that as well.

Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#18 Post by Dougan »

That finishes the rifle off nicely - I look forward to seeing it in use :good:
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Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#19 Post by hitchphil »

Jabberwocky413 wrote: ...to be used mainly at Bisley 200, 300 and 600m with the odd go on Thistledown 900/1000m.
Thanks in advance folks.
I like the sound of that 'Thistledown' place? it sounds like a Scottish version of Stickledown........... but probably a darned sight windier? :flag6:

....... & beware of those 'Meter' French distance thingies .... there are a lot of shooters who are firmly Imperial in dimensional terms & who think small bore is anything less than .557 too......... " :run:
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX

& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?

Re: Which .308 T/R foresight?

#20 Post by Jabberwocky413 »

Thistledown, Stickledown Meh! I was happily Imperial till I had it beaten out of me in the Army who insisted that "1 mil subtends to 1 meter at 1000 meters!" (6400 mils to a circle) now I'm having to deal with MOA! Slightly off topic but if Scotland gets independence will you keep imperial, follow your long time French friends or invent a new "Jockenese" system?
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