Ammunition holding quantities

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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#21 Post by Demonic69 »

They've just done away with hold and buy limits now. We just have the one limit now, set by your firearms authority

I don't read my own signature!

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#22 Post by Blu »

Demonic69 wrote:They've just done away with hold and buy limits now. We just have the one limit now, set by your firearms authority

I don't read my own signature!
When you say "We just have the one limit now, set by your firearms authority", does that mean that one Constabulary might set at say 500 rounds per calibre and another at say 600 rounds?


Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#23 Post by Demonic69 »

Yep, all depends on your perceived "need" for the amount you ask for

I don't read my own signature!

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#24 Post by Jackmanuk »

in theory its all down to what the chief Firearms officer says since he is the one that signs the new cert before its posted to you, there isn't anything in the home office guidelines about ammo amount so its all guess work, iv never met anyone that just does hunting and has more than 300 rounds of 7.62 on his cert , but then again why would they need more . its all about justification

iv just got my limits up'd so i can now sit on
1000 of 7.62/308
1000 .223/5.56
500 .44
500 .357
2000 .22RF

Im not going to say what i did to justify why i require so much (cant give away secrets)

o and from a earlier post my cert states 7.62/308 ..... right below the box showing i have a 7.62 x 39 seiga AK

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#25 Post by Blu »

It all seems a bit haphazard to me. Wouldn't it be better to standardize it across the board for all constabularies? Personally I can't see why someone who after all the background checks and who has been deemed trustworthy to hold firearms, should have to justify to anyone how much ammunition they want to have or hold as long as they can secure it properly.

Blu :twisted:

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#26 Post by Jackmanuk »

in many respects you are right blu , however its not the world we live it , the police would hate to not no what we have , i got a phone call when i put in that recent variation asking why i need to many bangs when iv only purchased 200 rounds in the past 2 years


I emailed them these two photos and said to words .... I Reload

and i have since made many more rounds

i'm a bit of a hoarder

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#27 Post by Blu »


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in many respects you are right blu , however its not the world we live it , the police would hate to not no what we have 
Probably just me but the whole thing just doesn't make sense, it's all about control I guess. :roll: Police don't need to know what ammo you have. I spend the winter reloading, hell any of your firearms guys would have a heart attack if they were to get a look at my stocks. At this moment in time I have 10,000 rounds of pistol calibres alone and just for my three AR's I have around 8000 rounds and I haven't finished reloading for them yet. Happy days smile2

Blu :twisted:

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#28 Post by HALODIN »

Nice... :goodjob:
Blu wrote:At this moment in time I have 10,000 rounds of pistol calibres alone and just for my three AR's I have around 8000 rounds and I haven't finished reloading for them yet. Happy days smile2

Blu :twisted:
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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#29 Post by IainWR »

Jackmanuk wrote: there isn't anything in the home office guidelines about ammo amount so its all guess work ... v_2013.pdf

See paras 13.54, 13.60 and 13.84-13.93 in particualr. There probably are others.
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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#30 Post by DaveB »

Here in NZ the quantity of ammunition you may hold is not a subject for the Arms Officer to control. Rather it is controlled by the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (HSNO) and the associated Regulations, which are administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, and which control all hazardous substances including ammunition and explosives. There are threshold limits, below which you do not need licensed storage, certificates/licenses etc. For 'safety class' ammunition (1.4S) these limits are quite generous - some district plans permit 25 kg NEQ (net explosive quantity) or even 50 kg in residential areas. We can also hold 15 kg of reloading propellant and 5 kg of black powder, in addition, before running afoul of the thresholds.
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