Ammunition holding quantities

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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#31 Post by rox »

DaveB wrote:We can also hold 15 kg of reloading propellant and 5 kg of black powder, in addition, before running afoul of the thresholds.
UK limit (without an explosives license) is also 15Kg of smokeless propellant - not sure of black powder.
DaveB wrote:For 'safety class' ammunition (1.4S) these limits are quite generous - some district plans permit 25 kg NEQ (net explosive quantity) or even 50 kg
It's certainly possible for individuals to get approvals for several thousands of a centre-fire calibre, and several tens of thousands of rim-fire. Beyond that people use clubs or RFDs for storage, or become an RFD. 25Kg NEQ is equivalent to approx 8,500 rounds of .308 I think, or about 4,000 of .308 plus 8,000 .223, so fairly generous, but not necessarily huge.

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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#32 Post by dave_303 »

rox wrote:
DaveB wrote: UK limit (without an explosives license) is also 15Kg of smokeless propellant - not sure of black powder.

When I was an English Civil War Re-enactor the powder supply for the 40 odd muskets and 3 cannons were stored by the Regiment's Colonel and one of the Sergeants. Apparently each was allowed to store 20Kg of Black powder. It could have been more.

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#33 Post by Eny »

Looks like i started a bit of debate with what i thought would be a simple question. Why is nothing ever simple :lol:

You asked somewhere why back in the thread about what i would fill the slots with. Not fully decided yet, but think the 22's will be something like a bolt action CZ and am quite liking the look of some of the stuff that Suffolk Rifle has. Then again i am also liking the Lantac Raven. Decisions decisions tongueout O:-)

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#34 Post by HALODIN »

If you like the look of black tactical stuff, give this bloke a ring, he has some real bargains sometimes.

Happy hunting. :good:
Eny wrote:Looks like i started a bit of debate with what i thought would be a simple question. Why is nothing ever simple :lol:

You asked somewhere why back in the thread about what i would fill the slots with. Not fully decided yet, but think the 22's will be something like a bolt action CZ and am quite liking the look of some of the stuff that Suffolk Rifle has. Then again i am also liking the Lantac Raven. Decisions decisions tongueout O:-)

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#35 Post by Jackmanuk »

IainWR wrote:
Jackmanuk wrote: there isn't anything in the home office guidelines about ammo amount so its all guess work ... v_2013.pdf

See paras 13.54, 13.60 and 13.84-13.93 in particualr. There probably are others.

ah yes 13.54 ..... i remember now , i did look at the new guidlines ....... must of been where i got the idea for 1000 rounds from tongueout

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#36 Post by Jackmanuk »

it used to be if the FEO didnt specify the amount of BP you can store it was the normal max of 15kg , ( cause the gun shop rang up the Home office to check, and got grumpy cause he could only have 5 kg in the shop) , but its not like you need 15 kg of BP and I would certanly not want all that in my house ..... i dont want to level the entire road if i house catches fire

Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#37 Post by Eny »

HALODIN wrote:If you like the look of black tactical stuff, give this bloke a ring, he has some real bargains sometimes.

Happy hunting. :good:
There's some nice looking stuff on there. Just as well i have an understanding bank manager :lol:
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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#38 Post by dromia »

See here for the "new" powder limits which you ammunition is included within.

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Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#39 Post by markyw »

I put 1500 for .22LR and 500 for each of the others on my last variation and had no trouble. I think, as mentioned previously, it is about reasonable use. If you are a club member you are more likely to get through rounds than if you are 'just' a stalker.

This is somewhat rue for slots on ticket too, as I was told that as long as the range was cleared for the calibre there wouldn't be too many objections on what I asked for.



Re: Ammunition holding quantities

#40 Post by SevenSixTwo »

I asked for 2000 of each calibre: "cuz suppliers might run out".

Granted without ado.
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