Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

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Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#1 Post by techguy »

So I took my new Bora to the range today. Now, I've never shot it, touched it or done anything with it other than put a red dot on top. So you can imagine my surprise when it wouldn't chamber a round. I could wiggle the round a bit, it'd go into battery and fire, but the next one wouldn't.

Anyway, upon further inspection the feed ramp looked a bit mangled! The feed ramp is on a pivot so it can be moved out the way when separating the upper from the lower, so it doesn't get damaged.(interesting design, no?)

I had to trim and neatly file the mangled bits off the feed ramp, and now it will go into battery. However, I noticed that after easing the action forward a few times (which would happen every time on a PSG stage when finished), the same thing happened again. I filed a tad more off and it seems ok now, but time will tell.

I'm going to try to get hold of a replacement, just in case this one breaks.

Has anyone else seen this on a feed ramp?

While it was apart, I did some work on the magwell to make the removal of the 10 rd mags easier. I also removed the bolt hold open device from a magazine too, but they still won't drop freely on their own. I think a tad more needs to come off the magwell. I might bin the BHO from all my mags, the gun should never be run dry in a comp anyway!

On the flip side, the new Stoeger ran flawlessly, so I'm happy with that!
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#2 Post by Blackstuff »

Are you CERTAIN you didn't try to operate the gun with the feed lips folded down..... Its an easy mistake to make and i've nearly done it twice myself :oops:

Did you inspect the feed lips before shooting it yourself? Could someone handling it before you have damaged it?

Either way ONCE (hinty-hint :grin: )Overpaa starts making the replacement lowers he's said he'll do a replacement set of feed lips too, its daft having them made of plastic imo

FYI the folding feed lips are actually an improvement over the MKA1919 as they're fixed in that gun and you have to completely strip it to get the bolt assembly out, plus if you let the bolt slam forward onto the lips you can shear them off and you're effectively left with an interesting paperweight!
Last edited by Blackstuff on Sun May 04, 2014 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#3 Post by Dangermouse »

Been there, done that :cry:

It is caused by dropping the bolt with the barrel off and the feed ramps up. Annoyingly for me I had actually watched a video warning me not to do It a week or so before.

I had searched the internet and although this is mentioned in places I found no one selling an after market upgrade or even replacement parts. They look like they are only held in place with a pin but I could not tap it out with a punch and medium effort.

I believe Ovenpaa was planning on designing metal ramps in to his plans for a new lower..


Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#4 Post by techguy »

I'm almost certain they weren't down before, but I can't be 100% unfortunately.

Weirdly even once trimmed, and in the correct position they still got a bit mangled by the bolt on an empty chamber. Being made from plastic is mental! Seem to be ok for now, but time will tell!

I know low mill have some parts available, but unsure if the feed ramp is. I too wasn't able to drift the pin out. Perhaps it needs a bigger hammer!
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#5 Post by ovenpaa »

Sir needs an aftermarket polished stainless replacement tongueout

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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#6 Post by techguy »

I do...very much! What will one cost me?

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#7 Post by Grima »


You don't function test or seem to now how to strip & assemble the weapon.
Check the mags fit & feed??? Before you take it to the range????

Then blame the weapon!!!!!

Even worse you start taking a "FILE" to it & remove parts!!!!!!!!

Glad I don't shoot near you, LOWtechguy.
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#8 Post by dromia »

Grima you are new here, so please take heed.

You will be expected to express your indignation and outrage in a less confrontational manner in future. You should be able to make your point without the post being a personal attack.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#9 Post by techguy »

How do you know I didn't function test the firearm before loading a mag? Were you there? No. The only thing I didn't do was a complete strip and reassemble before firing. I incorrectly assumed that as it had been proofed, it would fire correctly.

I *do* know how to disassemble the firearm correctly; and did so this afternoon. I read the 'turk-lish' manual beforehand.

I didn't blame the firearm, I asked an opinion if a certain part is a weakness. Which it seems to be, based on the opinion of a few others. I removed the burrs from the feed ramp, and your problem with that is what exactly?

I'm not using again for another few weeks. By which time I will have purchased a replacement part.

I don't know you, or who you think you are, but I don't appreciate your tone, or personal attack.
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#10 Post by dromia »


Get back on topic or the thread will be locked!

Come on Bambi get some

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