Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#11 Post by Grima »

you said. (Now, I've never shot it, touched it or done anything with it other than put a red dot on top.)

Any Person who takes a "FILE" to fix? a new firearm is dangerous. that's a fact.

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#12 Post by techguy »

You make it sound like I was taking chunks out of the barrel, receiver, or a pressure bearing part. The feed ramp is plastic, and is used to guide the round into battery. It is a separate removable part from the lower. It was improved from the Akdal design, but the design is still flawed. The use of a file to remove the interfering damaged section of the feed ramp didn't change the workings of the firearm, other than allow it to feed correctly.

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#13 Post by Grima »

Check the angle of the feed lips on your mags.

To wide they hit the top & don't feed.

To tight they just hit the feed ramp.

Test cycle your mags to see if there is a problem

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#14 Post by techguy »

The mags are fine (both 5rd originals and 3 10rd additional mags) I tested all 5.

The issue was the rim of the cartridge was hitting a splayed out damaged section of the feed ramp (towards the top where it thins out). There was a flattened and damaged section of the feed ramp, about 1.5 mm wide. Once this was trimmed back, it feeds perfectly.

It would feed even better with a polished stainless ramp!

Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#15 Post by Blu »

See now, when I get these little problems with magazines and such I always look at it this way.

Do that and everything will look just fine. Glad I could help :good:

Blu :twisted:
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#16 Post by Sim G »

Grima wrote:WTF.............

You don't function test or seem to now how to strip & assemble the weapon.
Check the mags fit & feed??? Before you take it to the range????

Then blame the weapon!!!!!

Even worse you start taking a "FILE" to it & remove parts!!!!!!!!

Glad I don't shoot near you, LOWtechguy.

I shoot with techguy regularly and I will continue to do so. He is safe and very competent. Likewise, his technical knowledge and hand skills have allowed him to rectify a cheap, Turkish shotgun that appears to have QC issues now and again.
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!
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Re: Bora 99 design weakness or Friday afternoon gun?

#17 Post by ovenpaa »

I am yet to see a BR99 that did not have a tight magazine well and they all seem to benefit form some mild opening/porting to allow the magazines to fall free. Also the 5 shot and 10 shot magazine dimensions vary slightly so if you are going to use both this needs to be taken into account.

Suitable tools for the job appear to include flat files, rifler files and pieces of wood with aluminum oxide /sand paper glued to them to get things done.

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