progressing from targets to vermin

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progressing from targets to vermin

#1 Post by Tony-c »

Hi all. Just after some advice before i ring licensing next week
Ive got fac already with target conditions but recently Ive been asked by a few people if i can help with rabbit control and possibly some foxing later if the farmer is too busy.
initially Im looking at just a .22lr for bunnies. What do i need to do. Ive heard of people in my force having centrefire vermin facs opened up after 6 months no issues.
would just asking for an open .22lr ticket be silly?

Re: progressing from targets to vermin

#2 Post by Mr_Logic »

It depends on your good reason. If you are going to have a few bits of fixed land and then shoot on them, El Plod will just clear those bits. if, OTOH, you are going to have a changing variety of permissions, then they may well give you an open ticket to start with.

Re: progressing from targets to vermin

#3 Post by JS569 »

I had static land for years but in the last 2 years i got an open cert for .22 and tried for .223 but having just got the rifle west yorks were keen I had it for a year before they granted me an open cert. I never actually bothered doing it but across 223 and 6.5 it's something I would like to do.

If you can give a good enough reason there shouldn't be a problem but each force is different. I would also suggest becoming a basc member to help with insurance etc.
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Re: progressing from targets to vermin

#4 Post by Les »

Tony-c wrote:Hi all. Just after some advice before i ring licensing next week
Ive got fac already with target conditions but recently Ive been asked by a few people if i can help with rabbit control and possibly some foxing later if the farmer is too busy.
initially Im looking at just a .22lr for bunnies. What do i need to do. Ive heard of people in my force having centrefire vermin facs opened up after 6 months no issues.
would just asking for an open .22lr ticket be silly?
As the other guys have said, if you can justify a centrefire - and the land is cleared for centrefire use - then you might be OK, but I suspect that you may need to wait a few months before any CF variation is granted.

For bunnies, your .22lr kit should be fine, although if you are using a single shot target rifle then you will benefit from an upgrade to a semi or bolt action. Again, this will be dependent on the suitability of the land in question. ;)

Re: progressing from targets to vermin

#5 Post by Tony-c »

thanks, I rung them, and have followed up with a letter.

only after the .22lr being for vermin, have several so all avenues are covered :)

getting the .223 sorted for vermin isnt such a priority but I have mentioned that I would like it in the future, but I know that I only have 2 places I would be using that currently so offered to have that closed to them pieces of land if it made them happier
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