I love my Suffolk rifles L1A1, it's a superb rifle, fitted with my restored woodwork, early L2A1 SUIT, Hythe sight and soon to be fitted with the trilux foresight blade to go with it.
I am in a rather unique position regarding the various SP L1A1's, due to a venture of mine I have had the opportunity to study the various SP brands and their modifications, both directly and via owner feedback.
So if you can find one....here is a rundown of the varous mods made....Compare and contrast!
They are all great rifles, by the way, the finest service rifle ever made in fact and an important part of our 20th century military history, fun to shoot (if ammo fussy in SP) and form an integral part of any self respecting collection of UK service rifles.
The Suffolk examples have the original bolt and modified carrier, modified in such a way that the piston would ride over the carrier if fitted.
The gas block is left clear and not fitted with the unsightly solid plug that the Anglo custom examples are fitted with, but the barrel/gas block port and top exhaust are welded up, this is fitted with the dial and cut gas plug.
These mods render the gas block deactivated, but allow the original appearance to be kept intact. Neals L1's are as close to the original spec as they can be, while still being clearly Sec 1, they are also fitted with UK manufactured barrels, so have a full UK content

Neals L1's are as close to the original spec as they can be, while still being clearly Sec 1
The Anglo Custom rifles have a "pin" modified carrier (this fits into a hole drilled below the piston aperture in the receiver) and a totally different bolt design, that bypasses the safety/auto sear.
The gas block is fitted with a large welded steel spigot and a Walther barrel is fitted.
Tony Bucklands L1's have the obvious side cocking modified carrier (original bolt present I think), his own design gas block, that is solid and of a different thinner profile to the original, also fitted with a Walther barrel.
Interestingly, all L1A1 SP's retain the Safety/Auto sear, I believe this is because the sear is an integral part of the receiver pivot joint, so really can't be removed. The Imbal SP fals lack the auto sear because the receiver is primarily designed for the US market, so the sear is not present.
They do have a gas tube and unmolested functional gas block fitted though, all they lack is a ported barrel!