tango down rail covers

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tango down rail covers

#1 Post by jay851 »

can anyone point me in the right direction as to where i can order some tango down rail covers.
cant find anywhere in the uk, and seems like our U.S friends wont post outside the states now.
i need the shorter ones in fde.

Remington 870 Wingmaster 12G
pietta cattleman mlp .44
Remington 1100 12G
Toz66 sxs hammer gun 12g
Remington 700 Magpul .308
FN2000 .22lr (ongoing project)

Slot for 7.62 × 39 and .303
Posts: 579
Joined: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:37 am
Home club or Range: nra bisley
Location: kent, u.k

Re: tango down rail covers

#3 Post by jay851 »

thanks blu, i have a couple of them already but really after the shorter ones. aprrox 4" and 2 1/2".

Remington 870 Wingmaster 12G
pietta cattleman mlp .44
Remington 1100 12G
Toz66 sxs hammer gun 12g
Remington 700 Magpul .308
FN2000 .22lr (ongoing project)

Slot for 7.62 × 39 and .303

Re: tango down rail covers

#4 Post by Demonic69 »

They're just bits of plastic, buy something off eBay! £34 would get you enough rail covers to change them every day :-)
Posts: 579
Joined: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:37 am
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Location: kent, u.k

Re: tango down rail covers

#5 Post by jay851 »

Demonic69 wrote:They're just bits of plastic, buy something off eBay! £34 would get you enough rail covers to change them every day :-)
may have to go that way fella, its just i have some genuine ones and from past experience airsoft copies just done match up that good
( me being anal)

found some genuine ones on ebay u.s but wont send to the u.k. if only there was a nice friendly american member, full of festive spirit, who would buy and post to me :) usflag.gif
Remington 870 Wingmaster 12G
pietta cattleman mlp .44
Remington 1100 12G
Toz66 sxs hammer gun 12g
Remington 700 Magpul .308
FN2000 .22lr (ongoing project)

Slot for 7.62 × 39 and .303
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