BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#11 Post by breacher »

Sixshot6 wrote:
snayperskaya wrote:^^^^^^^^

Molot Vepr...........and I want one!
I thought so. How do Rus military manage to sell them at the prices they sell them at?
I actually got mine for the equivalent of £600.
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#12 Post by bradaz11 »

wow! that price would convince me to get one over the br99
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#13 Post by Thorney »

At the risk of sounding like a broken record - just an MKA mag NOT the Bora mags and you'll be fine.
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#14 Post by bradaz11 »

can you buy the MKA mags now then?
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#15 Post by Thorney »

Ron Flink sells them, contactable via the shooting club he runs, not sure of number, will have a look.
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#16 Post by snayperskaya »

Sixshot6 wrote:
How come I'm still seeing regular supplies of barnaul ammo? I got some 223 62grn and in Canada I have seen a youtube called TV presspass have some 7.62x39. I guess Barnual must not be under sanction then. I'm guessing the sanctions is why Rusmilitary is bringing Bulgarian AK's. I hear they are close to Russian Quality. I'm surprised no one has thought to bring in the Chinese Catamount fury. In the US, its become a Saiga Surrogate

Also off topic, I may have something of interest to you in the pipeline I'm helping to bring around. I have to maintain some radio silence over what it is though. Come back to me in Mid June and I'll tell what it is ;)

There are millions of 54r and x39 rounds (Barnaul, milsurp etc) that are stockpiled in European warehouses, a lot of milsurp 54r comes in from the Czech Republic for example and despite the conflict over there Ukraine are still selling ammunition.

With regard to the Bulgarian AKs the quality is excellent and the late Mikhail Kalashnikov himself was quoted as saying the Bulgarians produce some of the best quality AKs in the world.The Bulgy AKs still have milled steel receivers like the AK-47 whereas virtually every other producer uses the AKM pattern stamped and rivetted receiver.

Edit....just had a quick look and it appears Barnaul and the Tula Cartridge Works are not on the sanctions list
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#17 Post by Gundoc »

Well I think I found the issue.
Small detent ball bearing on the gas regulator is missing. Which means the barrel will have been undoing itself.
Spoke to Jelstons today, they're putting one in the post.

Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#18 Post by Sixshot6 »

snayperskaya wrote:
Sixshot6 wrote:
How come I'm still seeing regular supplies of barnaul ammo? I got some 223 62grn and in Canada I have seen a youtube called TV presspass have some 7.62x39. I guess Barnual must not be under sanction then. I'm guessing the sanctions is why Rusmilitary is bringing Bulgarian AK's. I hear they are close to Russian Quality. I'm surprised no one has thought to bring in the Chinese Catamount fury. In the US, its become a Saiga Surrogate

Also off topic, I may have something of interest to you in the pipeline I'm helping to bring around. I have to maintain some radio silence over what it is though. Come back to me in Mid June and I'll tell what it is ;)

There are millions of 54r and x39 rounds (Barnaul, milsurp etc) that are stockpiled in European warehouses, a lot of milsurp 54r comes in from the Czech Republic for example and despite the conflict over there Ukraine are still selling ammunition.

With regard to the Bulgarian AKs the quality is excellent and the late Mikhail Kalashnikov himself was quoted as saying the Bulgarians produce some of the best quality AKs in the world.The Bulgy AKs still have milled steel receivers like the AK-47 whereas virtually every other producer uses the AKM pattern stamped and rivetted receiver.

Edit....just had a quick look and it appears Barnaul and the Tula Cartridge Works are not on the sanctions list
I thought Barnaul and Tula wasn't sanctioned. They still sell Tula in the US. Not all Bulgarians are mill receivers. Some of the ones sold in the US are stamped. I think the only problem with Milled is getting aftermarket furniture to fit? Why is it that Milled ones arent as well supported. They make more sense if you want a longterm good rifle. Plus the Tula factory is a public limited company. I didn't realize peter the great had been the founder. I like the idea of the Mikhail stamp of approval. Problem though, didn't he give approval to gsg 22lr ak's? Or was that a senior moment? Also what happened to the 22 ak's Rusmilitary were bringing in? Anyway I got 62grn barnaul. I was gonna get a mix of 55grns and some 62 grn GGG (its nato spec stuff SS109) but it cost me less to buy in the amount I wanted and since reloading ammo for the vz58 mars is a futile exercise, it made sense to buy this. plus the 62grn is better for a 1 in 7 twist barrel.
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Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#19 Post by BamBam »

Gundoc wrote:Well I think I found the issue.
Small detent ball bearing on the gas regulator is missing. Which means the barrel will have been undoing itself.
Spoke to Jelstons today, they're putting one in the post.
Hope that sorts it.

Re: BR99 nearly got thrown in a ditch

#20 Post by StangGT »

Gundoc wrote:Well I think I found the issue.
Small detent ball bearing on the gas regulator is missing. Which means the barrel will have been undoing itself.
Spoke to Jelstons today, they're putting one in the post.
This ball on mine fell out also. Be very interested to see what fix you can apply!
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