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Re: VEPR-12

#21 Post by breacher »

bradaz11 wrote:hmmmm vepr or a bora???
Vepr every time.

Works out of the box.

Re: VEPR-12

#22 Post by breacher »

bofor wrote:Breacher..have you shot yours with birdshot yet, 5`s or 6`s size, I need to know if its any good for steel plates at 25-30yds before I commit to having one cut to 24" with a brake on.
I put a couple of boxes of harsh birdshot through it - not sure what shot size - might have been 4 or 5 but heavy loads to run the gun in.

Swallowed them fine.

The particular slug loading I use is a soft one so if it manages to cycle them, you should be ok.

Only thing to watch out for is the crimp of the cartridges - as I understand it, it prefers the "rounded edge" of crimp if that makes sense ?

Re: VEPR-12

#23 Post by Jaymo »

Sixshot6 wrote:
froggy wrote:Thanks VM for the info . Sounds like that Olef fellow does the best possible given the UK law then .

I had a very enjoyable taster with a Spas 15 but when I look the picture you posted hunting some T-Rex with your Vepr, there is no comparaison ... I recently smashed my gun piggy bank with a sledge hammer Mojlnir size but still so irresistibly lust over them ...

Please ... Any volunteers to start a UK "3 guns" section in the Czech Rep so I can fully justify the acquisition of a similar shorty with a clear conscience ??

Froggy is it true that in France you have have most things including center fire semi rifles but not pump action shotguns (but mag fed semis are ok)? I seem to recall someone saying that. Is it true?
I can answer this.
It's half true regarding pump shortties- to have a smooth bore shotty I need to apply for a specific permit.
Bit like gettin an FAC variation but instead of from the Police ( only saw them for an initial apllication) it's obtained by getting ur club to say ur ok to have one and then sending this form of to the Regional Town Hall who process and send you back the Authority to aquire.
This process is true for Pistols and semi auto rifles.
But this is the fun but.
I can order online or pop to my local shop and buy a pump action shotgun with a barrel as short as 18" or 43cm using just my normal licence ( obtained only by joining a club and havin IT stamped by a Doctor) as long as the barrel is rifled- so still ok for birdshot too. Slugs don't need any special permit either.
Along with the above pump action we can purchase bolt action rifles and shotguns with no hassles.
Black powder pistols can be brought by anyone over 18 with I.D

See this website for some of the toys avail . My local shop has semi auto Uzi's and MP5's avail too :-)

Re: VEPR-12

#24 Post by Jaymo »

Ps. Check out the short barrel on the Molot VEPR

Re: VEPR-12

#25 Post by Hunter87 »

I love the style of gun but it's the 24 inch barrel that puts me off it just looks out of place in my opinion

Re: VEPR-12

#26 Post by breacher »

Hunter87 wrote:I love the style of gun but it's the 24 inch barrel that puts me off it just looks out of place in my opinion
Better 24" inc brake than 27" plus brake !!
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Re: VEPR-12

#27 Post by Blackstuff »

Hunter87 wrote:I love the style of gun but it's the 24 inch barrel that puts me off it just looks out of place in my opinion
Thats what put me off too. Saying that there's a guy on the UKPSA circuit that has had the barrel chopped down and a monster muzzle brake put on permenantly which does drastically improve it. Not sure if thats lost it the ability to change the choke though

Re: VEPR-12

#28 Post by HALODIN »

Yes it does.
Blackstuff wrote:Not sure if thats lost it the ability to change the choke though

Re: VEPR-12

#29 Post by Hunter87 »

I like the look of the stoger m3000
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