Sporting Ground Score Apps?

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Sporting Ground Score Apps?

#1 Post by TattooedGun »

I have been shotgun shooting literally twice in the past 3 years, both the last few weeks, and whilst myself and my father are old fashioned and using the pencil and scorecard option on a bit of cardboard and a bulldog clip - we did see a fair few people walking around the stands and marking off their shots on their phones.

Anyone have any information about good ones? I've an android phone, so that'd be preferable if you have any knowledge. Seems a lot easier to carry just the phone thats in my pocket anyway rather than scorecard, pen and backing, it can also be done one handed on a phone which would be a benefit for operating the traps with one hand and marking scores in the other.

Please advise!

TG :)

Re: Sporting Ground Score Apps?

#2 Post by PaulJC »

I'd be interested in this as well, have had a quick browse of the app store but not really found much...
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