Practical shotgun options?

All things shotgun related.

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Re: Practical shotgun options?

#11 Post by snayperskaya »

"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.....give a man a bank and he can rob the world!.

More than a vested interest in 7.62x54r!

Re: Practical shotgun options?

#12 Post by Demonic69 »

*Cough*Benelli Vinci*cough* ;)
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Re: Practical shotgun options?

#13 Post by Blackstuff »

As previously mentioned, there are several threads in the shotgun section whichcover this very topic. But for a semi you can't really go wrong with a Benelli.

I don't know Demonic69 (and now that i've written that username out and thought about it i'm quite glad of that lol ), but you won't get a Benelli set up cheaper than the Vinci he's selling. TBH i'm surprised it hasn't been snapped up straight away.

Re: Practical shotgun options?

#14 Post by gasman »

go for a 2nd hand FAC Benelli M2 , or cheaper new "copy" Stoeger m3000. (benelli own stoeger, its made in turkey for them).Minimal cleaning,(no gas ports/pistons to clog up etc) reliable, competition winning, proven performance from the M2.
lots of practical shotgun upgrade parts available to, from Taran tactical , nordic components, Dave's metal works etc.
they have good resale demand/ value as well, you'l have to move fast if you see one for sale at the right price, or have no problem selling one if you fancy something else.

Re: Practical shotgun options?

#15 Post by techguy »

The Vinci is a great gun (I know of a few who have them and do well with them)

At that price it's a bargain!

Re: Practical shotgun options?

#16 Post by breacher »

snayperskaya wrote:Vepr12
Hell yeah.........
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