Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

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Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#11 Post by jmc67 »

Hmm, I must admit, I hadn't expected this when logging on this morning. So much for being simple. The barrel does have it's own serial number, and I was advised by my FEO that a barrel by itself needs a slot on the FAC, which is why I went down hat route and had it recorded. So can anyone go into a gunsmiths/vendor and buy a barrel for a shotgun without showing that they are allowed to buy one?

Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#12 Post by 25Pdr »

Some Police forces seem to have their heads up their arses as usual.

If it is 24" or over and not rifled B&Q would be able to sell them as lengths of pipe. razz

I have a Friend who bought a Winchester 1300 with a 28" Barrel it also came with a spare Barrel 24.5" long Smooth bored with Rifle sights and it was not entered in the Shotgun licence,(No need), that was from a very careful Dealer too.

If you want more confusion.... :twisted: ... gun+barrel
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Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#13 Post by The Event »

Home Office guidance section 13.76

"Spare shotgun barrels are not subject to certificate control except for dealers (see chapter 2)."

That pretty much covers it.
I picked up an extra barrel for my Mossberg just a few weeks ago. Not entered on my certificate.
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Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#14 Post by jmc67 »

OK thanks. I'll follow up with Surrey police firearms group next week with the aim of having it removed.
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Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#15 Post by Chuck »

If the Barrel is 24" measured from the breech face and it is not rifled, I would say it is a non controlled part.

Don't know why it is on a FAC.
When I had my S1 semi it had a spare barrel which HAD to be recorded on my FAC - by that wee wummin which probably explains it all ;) !

Methinks if it's for an S1 shotgun then it get's sold as such?? Maybe not but that's the screwed up thinking that used to go on with a "wee wummin" in a certain police farce many moons ago.
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Re: Selling a shotgun barrel - advice needed

#16 Post by zanes »

*Toddles off to look for sighted barrel*
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