The tail fins are contained inside the booster, you never see them until the projectile is in flight, or the damaged remains after they've hit something.
The booster is filled with little strips of propellant, the firing pin on the RPG acts vertically onto the booster primer.
Real launcher maybe, but they didn't make much effort on the ammo.
I thought it was another fairly dull episode, although it does look like we've just seen The Saviours.
For anyone who watched the Talking Dead show afterwards, did you agree that the fuel truck was who they were refering to as 'Patty'? I didn't as there was a zombie inside the (closed) cabin and it appeared to be suggested that it had been used to run down the biker zombie which had clearly been there for a very long time.
scanbran wrote:
It doesn't detract from what promises to be an epic mid-season finale next week, though. Alexandria breached at last?
More misery for everyone
That really annoyed me to be honest. For one the damage to the building was done to the opposite side to the wall and so it would've fell the opposite way. The next thing was that Rick was shoring up the defences about 30m away from it and A/ failed to notice how damaged it was, depsite the all most constantly falling cladding/boards warning of it moving, B/ Seemed to chose a random piece of wall to reinforce rather than actually look at what needed to be done.
Plot line excuse-tastic.
My money is now on the Alexandrians being 'rescued' at the last minute by The Saviours and all that will entail. Poor Glenn.
Surprised at the body count last night, I predict 'Porchdick's' family gets it in the next episode & Gabriel goes out in style trying to save them. Also Tara will get it to trying to rescue her new squeeze.