What to do after selling a rifle?

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What to do after selling a rifle?

#1 Post by ozone »


What is the requirement after selling a rifle.
The police are informed through the usual channels obviously but then what?

Does the licence need to be sent back to have the old rifle removed from the licence?
Or is it just left as is and the new rifle included into the space at the bottom of the page?



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Re: What to do after selling a rifle?

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

Yes, advise the police as normal, I use email however I always send a hard copy just in case... You will need to apply for a 1: variation within 7 days or you will use your slot and have to pay for a new variation. If you have no plans to replace the slot there is no need for the 1:1

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Re: What to do after selling a rifle?

#3 Post by ozone »

ovenpaa wrote:Yes, advise the police as normal, I use email however I always send a hard copy just in case... You will need to apply for a 1: variation within 7 days or you will use your slot and have to pay for a new variation. If you have no plans to replace the slot there is no need for the 1:1

Thank you Ovenpea sorry to be thick but just to clarify.
If you want to replace the rifle you have to send it off for a variation
within 7 days of selling the rifle, otherwise you will have to pay for the variation.

If you wait longer than 7 days after selling the rifle do you send your licence off
before buying a new rifle or do you buy a new rifle and then send it off?



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Re: What to do after selling a rifle?

#4 Post by Les »

ozone wrote:If you wait longer than 7 days after selling the rifle do you send your licence off
before buying a new rifle or do you buy a new rifle and then send it off?
Yes, you will need to send your licence away if you apply for a variation for any rifle that you are/will/want to/ buy. Any changes that have happened since the FEO last had your licence will be recorded. e.g., if you had a CZ and sold it, then when you get your licence back with the slot for your new rifle, the CZ will no longer be on you FAC.

Basically, you can buy any firearm without having a slot for it on your FAC, but you can't take possession of it until your FAC comes back with an open slot/permission to acquire the firearm. ;)

Re: What to do after selling a rifle?

#5 Post by ozone »

Les wrote:
ozone wrote:If you wait longer than 7 days after selling the rifle do you send your licence off
before buying a new rifle or do you buy a new rifle and then send it off?
Yes, you will need to send your licence away if you apply for a variation for any rifle that you are/will/want to/ buy. Any changes that have happened since the FEO last had your licence will be recorded. e.g., if you had a CZ and sold it, then when you get your licence back with the slot for your new rifle, the CZ will no longer be on you FAC.

Basically, you can buy any firearm without having a slot for it on your FAC, but you can't take possession of it until your FAC comes back with an open slot/permission to acquire the firearm. ;)

Thank you for the clarification.




Re: What to do after selling a rifle?

#6 Post by Andy632 »

Actually the 7 days thing is not cast in stone!
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