casting and pure lead alternative

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casting and pure lead alternative

#1 Post by Primer »

I notice the Lee dies for casting conical bullets and round ball for muzzleloaders says only use pure lead and just wondering that if you don't have pure lead but have lots of range scrap can you get close to pure lead softness by not fluxing and skimming off the tin/antimony that floats on the top ?

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Re: casting and pure lead alternative

#2 Post by dromia »

Serves you right for reading the lee instructions. Maybe their mould "dimensions" are based on pure lead, not that that makes any difference as if they made two moulds the same it would be a coincidence, there would be a bright star in the east and it would be worth putting a lottery ticket on.

So long as your chamber size is equal to or greater than the groove size then a harder alloy will work.

The only down side of the harder alloy is if your bullet is well over chamber size then you will be putting strain on the loading lever which isn't the most robust part of the gun, I size my conicals to chamber dimension lubing them at the same time.

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