7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

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7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#1 Post by saddler »

Anyone got a spare sealed 440-rd tin of the Russian mil-surp ammo?

Went to the stockists when my FAC came back with 7.62 slots, to be told it's out of stock.

One can of 440 would do.
Spare 10-rd packets from the tins

Anyone ever sourced any of the 7.62-54 Russian ammo in the 15-rd packets?

Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#2 Post by falco67 »

I did have 8 boxes of 15 rounds. The few rounds that I fired, the cases split, so I knocked them all out apart from one box. I did wonder if it may be a collectable item. I still have it and they are free to a good home to a cartridge collector.

I also have a box of 50 Egyptian rounds, dated to 3 weeks before the 6 day war with Israel. I paid £20 for them you can have them for the same price.



Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#3 Post by saddler »

falco67 wrote:I did have 8 boxes of 15 rounds. The few rounds that I fired, the cases split, so I knocked them all out apart from one box. I did wonder if it may be a collectable item. I still have it and they are free to a good home to a cartridge collector.

I also have a box of 50 Egyptian rounds, dated to 3 weeks before the 6 day war with Israel. I paid £20 for them. If anyone is interested, they can have them for the same price.


Sounds interesting
Interested in the ammo....
Don't suppose you kept the empty 15rd packets?

Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#4 Post by falco67 »

I'm fairly certain that I didn't save the boxes, I will have a look in the shed though. Some photo's. The box of 15 has not been opened

Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#5 Post by Andy632 »

I've got about 800 rounds in 100 round plastic bags.
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Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#6 Post by snayperskaya »

The ammo in the 15r box above.........Made by Russians, repackaged by Yugoslavians. The M908 is the designation for the 'new' Russian round of 1908. If it were Yugo made, it would be M30 (J), and dated anywhere from the sixties to the early nineties
It is Russian ammo captured/aquired by Yugoslavia and repackaged for sale (the Yugoslavians kept with the 8mm). The Yugoslavians took the ammo, pulled the bullets and took out the powder, polished the cases, replaced the primers, then reloaded the ammo. This is why you sometimes see all different kinds of headstamps in one box, and also why the primers look so new. The bullets are lead core, steel jacketed and then copperwashed. It is light ball, 147gr. This Russian captured ammunition is reffered to as the M-908 (C) load.

Hope this helps
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Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#7 Post by snayperskaya »

Russian 15r packets are sort of wedge-shaped and come with the rounds on stripper clips.
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Falco67.....depending on where you are I would be interested in the Egyptian ammo.
"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin

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Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#8 Post by saddler »

snayperskaya wrote:Falco67.....depending on where you are I would be interested in the Egyptian ammo.
Funny that...as I've already stated above that I'm interested in it!
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Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#9 Post by snayperskaya »

saddler wrote:
snayperskaya wrote:Falco67.....depending on where you are I would be interested in the Egyptian ammo.
Funny that...as I've already stated above that I'm interested in it!
Why's it funny?......to be honest I didn't notice but now I've looked again you did indeed express an interest so I apologise.Besides I've still got plenty of light ball and tracer in the safe plus two crates at my RFD so I'm OK for now.

Haven't the likes of Simplyammo and Ammozone got any in stock?
"The only real power comes out of a long rifle." - Joseph Stalin

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank.....give a man a bank and he can rob the world!.

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Re: 7.62 - 54R ammo & empty wooden outer boxes (880 rd)

#10 Post by bigfathairybiker »

None of my local RFD's have stocked milsurp in over a year.
In fact one who claims to be the biggest in the area and sells mosins hasnt had any 54R in for the past year!

I'm going to have to travel a long way to get my next batch.

I think this could be the break point I've been waiting for to finally start reloading.

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