RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

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RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#1 Post by qws »

Just looking into reloading for my Marlin. Watched a video on the Lee Pro 1000 - looks easy to use for a novice. Seen on Amazon for £219.00 delivered full set up - ? Is this a good price or can anyone offer better ?
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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#2 Post by dromia »

I would look a little deeper into that, perhaps do a search for fixes for the Lee and see how many of those come up.

If you enjoy press fettling as a hobby in its own right and you like priming off press, defeats the purpose of a progressive in my book, then Lee is just the job for you.

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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#3 Post by Explosive »

qws wrote:Just looking into reloading for my Marlin. Watched a video on the Lee Pro 1000 - looks easy to use for a novice. Seen on Amazon for £219.00 delivered full set up - ? Is this a good price or can anyone offer better ?
My advise is keep it simple and get a single stage or a turret press. I bought a progressive press, they are a pita, never again.

PS, All my reloading gear is LEE

Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#4 Post by qws »

dromia wrote:I would look a little deeper into that, perhaps do a search for fixes for the Lee and see how many of those come up.

If you enjoy press fettling as a hobby in its own right and you like priming off press, defeats the purpose of a progressive in my book, then Lee is just the job for you.
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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#5 Post by phaedra1106 »

Pro1000 isn't the best of kits :(

I have 2 Lee LoadMaster progressives, one for the 300aac and the other for 44 mag. If you want to see one in the flesh I could bring one down tonight, should be there 6:30-7pm depending on number 1 cats visit to the vets at 4pm :(
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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#6 Post by 25Pdr »

Strongly suggest you get the Lee Loadmaster instead.

I've got both the Lee1000 and the Loadmaster. The Lee1000 priming system is almost unworkable, constantly stripping the machine to clean out crushed primers and spilled powder.

The Loadmaster has five stations instead of the Lee1000 three stations which allows you to decap with a universal decap die first then use the resizing die with the decap pin removed on the next priming/resizing station, the resizing die will centralize the case ensuring good primer seating.

The Loadmaster is ideal if you are feeding a Marlin 38/357 although the auto feed on both machines is rubbish, but it is just as quick to hand feed,also, just keep tapping the primer magazine in case they stick in the feed tube.

Only thing to be careful of is ensuring case has powder before seating bullet, I use a flexible LED light to peer into cases.


Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#7 Post by qws »

phaedra1106 wrote:Pro1000 isn't the best of kits :(

I have 2 Lee LoadMaster progressives, one for the 300aac and the other for 44 mag. If you want to see one in the flesh I could bring one down tonight, should be there 6:30-7pm depending on number 1 cats visit to the vets at 4pm :(
I am down from around 5:30-6pm. So would be good see one. A few other guys are not keen, but looking at the video it seems simple enough ?
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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#8 Post by Daryll »

I've had a Lee Pro 1000 for 20-25 years, and loaded many thousands of pistol rounds through it...

Yes, they have their idiosyncrasies, Primer feed is probably the main one, but it is workable as long as you make sure the feed chute is kept full. As soon as you can see the last primer appear at the top of the chute, its time for a refill.

As with all loading, you just have to stay alert and look out for anything strange.


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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#9 Post by ovenpaa »

I run a Loadmaster for .357Mag however it is not the complete process, I prime, powder and seat off press and only use the Loadmaster for the de-capping, sizing and neck flaring. For this purpose it works superbly, has significantly speeded up the process and I still have full control over the powder, seating etc. It is soon to be superseded by an XL650 however the Loadmaster will remain in process for my 30-30, again in the same de-smarted way.

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Re: RE-Loading Lee Pro 1000 .38/.357

#10 Post by Andy632 »

Daryll wrote:I've had a Lee Pro 1000 for 20-25 years, and loaded many thousands of pistol rounds through it...

Yes, they have their idiosyncrasies, Primer feed is probably the main one, but it is workable as long as you make sure the feed chute is kept full. As soon as you can see the last primer appear at the top of the chute, its time for a refill.

As with all loading, you just have to stay alert and look out for anything strange.



Same-same; mine works OK for me (most of the time anyway)
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