My name's Tom and I've just joined up here as I am applying for my Firearms licence. I've had the meeting with my local officer which went perfectly well, I was given two conditions; 1) to install the second cabinet (we have it, just not installed) and 2) to fire a shot on a fox. I've been with our fox shooter a number of times but never actually taken a shot as we didn't think it would be legal without me having my licence?
Currently I've got a Browning 725 on my shotgun certificate. It's mainly used for pigeons, crows, magpies and rabbits with the odd occasion of clay shooting, which I would love to do more of but don't really know many people locally (York) who I could go with unfortunately.

I have applied for .22lr, .17HMR and .223 for a mixture of pest control from rabbits to foxes. I'm looking at a Steyr Pro Varmint for the .223 (I love the look of it, like the brand and it's different to a Sako/Tikka). For the .22 and .17 I have no idea at the moment. In the future I want to get onto target shooting at well, hopefully getting to the dream AI in .308

Hopefully I can learn a lot on here from reading up on techniques and equipment suggestions!