Should I buy a GSG 1911

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Joe Pugh
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Should I buy a GSG 1911

#1 Post by Joe Pugh »

Hi all I'm considering getting into pistol shooting or at least as close as we can get into it in the UK.

I have a spare slot on my FAC and it needs to be filled for my own satisfaction. helpsign

I am looking for a cheap option for first off plinking but something that could compete later on down the line if I feel up to the challange. Along the lines of gallery rifle / pistol timed and precision and multi target Comps.

The gsg 1911 in .22 seems a decent starting point to get into this type of shooting.

So my questions are
Is the gun worth the money? they seem to be around the £500 mark.

I would perhaps consider getting a red dot sight put on it. Are these easy to find and do they effect the reliability of the Gun?

Will it cycle standard velocity ammo? I'll be using SK standard velocity for the most part.

Any other information would be fantastic. Bear with me im new to this.

Miroku MK38 12G
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#2 Post by HH1 »

My Dad had the standard model which was a good gun. The only thing he found was that the iron sights were hard to see, but he is 82 in a couple of weeks and he has since got himself his first pair of prescription shooting glasses. For £127 more you can get the "Tactical" version that comes with a
picatinny lower rail, scope mount and red dot sight.
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#3 Post by Airbrush »

Joe Pugh wrote:Hi all I'm considering getting into pistol shooting or at least as close as we can get into it in the UK.

I have a spare slot on my FAC and it needs to be filled for my own satisfaction. helpsign

I am looking for a cheap option for first off plinking but something that could compete later on down the line if I feel up to the challange. Along the lines of gallery rifle / pistol timed and precision and multi target Comps.

The gsg 1911 in .22 seems a decent starting point to get into this type of shooting.

So my questions are
Is the gun worth the money? they seem to be around the £500 mark. Yes

I would perhaps consider getting a red dot sight put on it. Are these easy to find and do they effect the reliability of the Gun? The tactical version comes with a decent red dot.

Will it cycle standard velocity ammo? I'll be using SK standard velocity for the most part. Mine does.

Any other information would be fantastic. Bear with me im new to this.

If you get the standard version there are mounts available that fit in the rear sight groove so certain red dot sights will fit.

I had a K22 & sold it, really likeing the GSG 1911.
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#4 Post by Blackstuff »

I’ve got one which I use for 3 gun and ‘pistol’ competitions and would recommend it. It is pretty reliable and doesn’t seem to jam any more than the K22’s, Sigs etc that I’m shooting against.

Plenty of bells and whistles available if you like customising your guns, just be aware than most of them require fettling to fit. There are a few .22lr 1911 retailers (AW Armoury, Black Rifle, Firing Solutions). I wouldn’t bother with the ‘Tactical’ version as above as if you’re going to use it in competitions it won’t fit in a holster with the rail attached.

Bizarrely (considering the popularity of the 1911) there is only one adaptor for mounting a red dot on the slide available in this country (that I’ve found anyway), and its this one from Black Rifle; ... p/v-pm.htm

Its designed for Vortex red dots but will also fit the Shield dot sight. The cheaper Vortex sight and the Shield sight are about £180 new. I’ve used it to mount a Burris Fastfire III (I already had the sight) with a bit of bodging.
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

Missed the ammo bit - I now only use CCI mini-mag and Federal Gameshok in my .22's as they're the cleanest ammo I've found (so far) and I hate cleaning guns. I'm not sure if they're classed as standard of high velocity to be honest. I think once you add a sight to the slide you may need to use ammo with a bit of 'oomph' to make sure it cycles ok. There are however a plethora of recoil springs available so you could get a weaker one if you have issues.
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#6 Post by JammyGuns »

I put new sights on mine (real 1911 Novak adjustable ones from Brownells UK - thanks to the info in the other 1911 gsg thread) which has improved it significantly. That'd be my only real criticism of the GSG, the stock sights. Another magazine with the initial purchase would've also been nice. Otherwise it's a great gun imo, a real work horse. I can barely remember having any sort of failure after thousands of rds outside the usual inconsistency associated with the odd dud .22. Iv'e only fed it CCI minimags/blazers and Rem Thunderbolts thus far, so can't speak for anything slower.
Joe Pugh
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#7 Post by Joe Pugh »

Thanks for the input everyone.

I have just sent in a variation for a .22 LPB so will more than likely get one as soon as my license is returned.
South Wales Police force is rather slow for these returns so it may be a while to wait.

Any other information would still be appreciated if anyone has anything to add to push my decision.

Thanks all
Miroku MK38 12G
Browning Maxus 12G
Ruger 10/22 .22
Marlin 1894 .44
Savage model 24 .22/.410
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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#8 Post by dromia »

The only "real" pistol shooting available to most section1 FAC holders is section 7.3 or muzzle loading pistol which is still real, unadulterated pistol shooting without restriction on length or barrel or awkward coathangers.

Muzzleloading pistol is the only pistol shooting I do now after then ban because it feels and is just as it did before then ban.

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Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#9 Post by safetyfirst »

For heavens sake Dromia, have you not had enough of your peculiar brand of fun insulting people's choice of firearm in the AR thread?

Why oh why oh why would you wade into this perfectly nice chat about LBP's with a post telling everyone that their pistols are pretendy?

You need to seriously consider your position as a moderator if the most unfriendly and inconsiderate posts of the last week are all coming from you.

We pretend rifle and pistol shooters are a gentle and sensitive bunch, please leave our threads about our pretend guns alone.

Re: Should I buy a GSG 1911

#10 Post by froggy »

Even if the title says "GSG 1911", I'll play devil's advocate & have to agree that Dromia indeed does points the author to pistol shooting or at least as close as we can get into it in the UK. ...

BTW Joe, if you want to shoot real hand-guns, an other option is to join us in July and play with unadulterated 9mm Glock 17 pistol shooting without restriction on length or barrel or awkward coathangers over an entire WE to your absolute heart content. Glocks do share with the GSG the benefit of making double tap and failure drill (Mozambic drill) a tad easier and the concept of speed reloads is also a bit different than with muzzle loading pistols... ;)

Anyway , let's go back to talking about the LBP GSG 22lr . I am very curious about your feed-back . I only read the post because deep down I think I want one as well & rely onto you guys to tell me what a good idea that is O:-)
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