Mossberg 590 for PSG?

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Mossberg 590 for PSG?

#1 Post by RDC »

Would I be wasting my money buying a Mossberg 590 Persuader (or so the shop calls it) for PSG?

I appreciate that the Supernova is considered the standard for pumps, but I have enjoyed shooting a Mossberg 500 more than a Supernova.

Primary aim is to have fun rather than try to win anything, although the intention will be to attend some NRA shotgun league rounds, as well as hopefully attend Diggle or Rossendale too so if the 590 would be utterly crap compared to the supernova for PSG, it's pointless buying it.

Thoughts and feelings from those who have experience would be appreciated! thankssign

Re: Mossberg 590 for PSG?

#2 Post by saddler »

Blackstuff's marras use 590's.
Not bad....if ya like Mossberg tat

Prefer 870's for PSG/Target Shotgun....but no need to let fashion overrule common sense by getting on the Benelli bandwagon ;)
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Re: Mossberg 590 for PSG?

#3 Post by BamBam »

590 is fun, especially the new version with proper 24" barrel, however it's slower to load than a Supernova and has no changeable chokes, it's cylinder only.
The Supernova is pretty much the top pump, but it's not great if you have short arms and costs more as you'll need to extend the magazine.

If you have some skills then you should manage mid level scoring with a 590, in club matches top 5 or even a win if you plan stages well and have a loading strategy that lends itself to the 590s weaknesses.
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Re: Mossberg 590 for PSG?

#4 Post by Blackstuff »

Mossbergs are good pumps for PSG, they are simple, rarely go wrong, are easy to fix and maintain and have the nicest factory magazine spring I've ever had the pleasure of fingering, giggety.

The new versions that come with proper 24" barrels, although do come with a fixed cylinder choke/no choke as standard, do permit the barrel to be threaded for multi-chokes, although that would obviously be at addition cost.

The only 'major' drawback is the lack of shell lifter as without one the current fastest method of loading, quad loading, is very awkward/next to impossible to do at speed. It does however lead itself very nicely to weak hand loading, or single loading.

Both of the lads that I shoot with who have them (although one has turned to the dark side and started using a Supernova - still has his 590 though), have the standard versions which allow simple extensions to the magazine tube by screwing on a longer mag (and replacing the spring). I don't know if this applies to the Persuader model or not though and its something you'd want to know before buying. You want a magazine that can hold at least 9 standard cartridges (70mm or 2 3/4" in old money).
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Re: Mossberg 590 for PSG?

#5 Post by RDC »

It's 8+1 as far as I can tell, and indeed the 24 inch newer version. Hopefully I can nip to the dealers to give it a better look over this weekend.

Cheers for the advice!
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