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#1 Post by nfarmer »

I'm tempted by one just for fun and plinking, any comment on here good or bad?

Or should I keep my money?

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Re: GSG 5 SD

#2 Post by phaedra1106 »

They're OK but after having one there's no comparison to the S&W M&P15-22 I have now :)
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Re: GSG 5 SD

#3 Post by safetyfirst »

I've heard the Walter umarex ones are significantly better.
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Re: GSG 5 SD

#4 Post by Daryll »

safetyfirst wrote:I've heard the Walter umarex ones are significantly better.
Thats strange... I was talking to an RFD about them a couple of weeks ago, as I fancy one too.

He said the GSG ones were better than the Walther ones. The Walther may be better quality than the GSG, but has a load of problems that take time and money to sort out.

His verdict.... GSG is cheap but works, Walther is quality, but unreliable.
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Re: GSG 5 SD

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

Daryll wrote:
safetyfirst wrote:I've heard the Walter umarex ones are significantly better.
Thats strange... I was talking to an RFD about them a couple of weeks ago, as I fancy one too.

He said the GSG ones were better than the Walther ones. The Walther may be better quality than the GSG, but has a load of problems that take time and money to sort out.

His verdict.... GSG is cheap but works, Walther is quality, but unreliable.
Every company is capable of turning out the occasional lemon, but having owned both guns, and knowing first hand of dozens of others, both GSG and Walther, someone saying the GSG is more reliable than the Walther is like saying a Fiat is more reliable than a Volvo. (Cue AMAZING stories about a Fiat that did 400,000 miles and only ever needed an indicator bulb changing, and a Volvo that blew up 10ft off the forecourt, teanews but you get the idea ).

He may have just had a bad report or too, or, and call me cynical, he may have a shelf full of GSG guns he can't flog because everyone who wants a reliable gun has bought the Walther version ;)

The ONLY advantage the GSG has over the Walther (other than price) is its easier to clean because if comes fully apart without affecting the zero of the gun. The Walther can be disassembled quicker, without having to worry about putting every little part back in exactly the right place, but it does affect the zero of the gun because of the way the barrel is tensioned. The bonus is, the Walther will run dirty where as the GSG will not.

Re: GSG 5 SD

#6 Post by Hunter87 »

Is that one of those pretendy mp5s lol
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Re: GSG 5 SD

#7 Post by JammyGuns »

I have the H&K one and it's great. The weight and feel is apparently very close to the real 9mm deal (so Iv'e been told by people in my club who've handled the real thing - which is always nice imo) and it's just kept going and going. Very low maintenance, good accuracy for what it is, no running problems whatsoever, and no extra work needed. With that said from what Iv'e read there's nothing too wrong with the gsg version either.
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