BamBam wrote:Part of the fun with a .22lr is how cheap it is, I think the feel good factor on ammo price could evaporate quicker at £28/100, when you're used to spending £27/500.
But it's all part of the fun, I just think that when you're bored with it you'll lose money selling it or find it very hard to shift. Otherwsie we'd have seen more of .22WMR Ruger 10/22s in the UK, which I would rather have as they won't cost as much as an AR, parts are easier to come by and the only down side is they hold 9 in the mag against 14 of the AR offering.
BamBam wrote:If we're doing bullpups in .22WMR, I'd like one that was 605mm in total length.
Rather specific? Just so it was as small as it possible could be while remaining legal length?
I hope NWCS/Wayne is going to import a serious amount of ammo for these guns as they are something I'd be interrsted in but only if I could reliably feed it. I've been keeping an eye out for .22wmr recently and have only seen it in small quantities and all of it has been expanding