Flies and zombies?

If we entered a time of Civil Unrest/Armageddon/Zombie Attacking, what would we do?

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Flies and zombies?

#1 Post by Gazza »

In these zombie films where are all the flies?
I'm presuming that if theres that much dead flesh around the place would literally be buzzing teanews
And what if the zombies infected the flies and resulting maggots etc Not to mention the Mosquitos that would be having a quick feed off the rotting flesh. Would that not be the end of everything after they moved on and bit the uninfected? teanews

Amazing what you think of over a nice cup of char teanews
David Nimrod

Re: Flies and zombies?

#2 Post by David Nimrod »

After 4 series of The Walking Dead, it was the total lack of realism that blew it for me...

None of the cast responded to what would have been the overpowering stench (in the Georgia heat), of the many corpses.

And did you notice, from series two onwards, that the guns showed no recoil, and the muzzle flashes were obviously CGI afterthoughts!

Oh dear...

Re: Flies and zombies?

#3 Post by Gazza »

Thats how you judge a good movie these days because in a good movie theres recoil, brass flying and muzzle flash.
CGI is cheaper than blanks obviously and does not need insurance, health and safety and all the other expensive cobblers. teanews

I watched a low budget war film the other day which had CGI muzzle flash on all the guns with no brass flying out of the MP40's at all wtf

CGI flies are easy to spot too, in fact CGI is toss full stop
David Nimrod

Re: Flies and zombies?

#4 Post by David Nimrod »

All of Daryl's crossbow bolts were CGI too... for safety reasons.

What a crock!
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Re: Flies and zombies?

#5 Post by ovenpaa »

This is why I prefer the cheaper or low budget films, no CGI nonsense, just good old fashioned blanks and people falling over and wincing :)

EDIT here is an interesting fact, apparently Pierce Brosnan of 007 fame hated recoil and loud noises and would visibly flinch so they had to dub on the noise of the gunshot afterwards.

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Re: Flies and zombies?

#6 Post by DL. »

I gave up on the walking dead, too many irritations creeping in, multiple comebacks and needless violence for my liking!
David Nimrod

Re: Flies and zombies?

#7 Post by David Nimrod »

DL. wrote:I gave up on the walking dead, too many irritations creeping in, multiple comebacks and needless violence for my liking!
I have to admit, it held me spellbound for a while....

But after four series I'd had enough of time wasting.

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Re: Flies and zombies?

#8 Post by snayperskaya »

I would hazard a guess that mozzies wouldn't spread the infection, in the same way they don't spread HIV.......

Another thing I've said all along is if this zombie stuff was hypothetically real then surely anything that runs, crawls or flies and feeds on dead flesh would very quickly reduce the walking dead to a pile of bones!!!???.
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Re: Flies and zombies?

#9 Post by Daryll »

snayperskaya wrote:I would hazard a guess that mozzies wouldn't spread the infection, in the same way they don't spread HIV.......
But isn't one of the premises of the series, is that everyone already has the virus, but it only starts working when you die..??
David Nimrod

Re: Flies and zombies?

#10 Post by David Nimrod »

Daryll wrote:
But isn't one of the premises of the series, is that everyone already has the virus, but it only starts working when you die..??
Yes, that's correct.

It's revealed to Rick, by the scientist at the CDC, just before they leave.
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