1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

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1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#1 Post by tikkathreebarrels »

Okay, in an ideal world you'd start with an open mind (and an open chequebook) and certainly no range energy restrictions.

But, looking to rebarrel a 308 TR rifle built on a long action with a .308 bolt face, what's going to work to 1000 and possibly 1200 yards?
duff eyed doyle

Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#2 Post by duff eyed doyle »

I was in the same position as you had a barnard actioned TR, I went with .284 win with a 32" barell and i am very pleased with its performance.
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Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#3 Post by 20series »

There's been chat about 6.5x55 Ackley Improved over on UK LongRange doing very well,

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Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#4 Post by tikkathreebarrels »

duff eyed doyle wrote:I was in the same position as you had a barnard actioned TR, I went with .284 win with a 32" barell and i am very pleased with its performance.
Excellent, that was already on my list of possibles.

Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#5 Post by tikkathreebarrels »

20series wrote:There's been chat about 6.5x55 Ackley Improved over on UK LongRange doing very well,

Really? I better have a look there. That would find a use for the 140gn Lapua Scenars I've got.
Gun Pimp

Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#6 Post by Gun Pimp »

The 6.5x55 Ack is a good 1000 yard round BUT:

Difficult to get factory dies and, although not particularly hard on barrels, fireforming cases will use up a significant amount of barrel-life.

The 284 is the sensible option.


Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#7 Post by tikkathreebarrels »

Gun Pimp wrote:The 6.5x55 Ack is a good 1000 yard round BUT:

Difficult to get factory dies and, although not particularly hard on barrels, fireforming cases will use up a significant amount of barrel-life.

The 284 is the sensible option.

Vince , sorry I thought I'd posted a reply from my phone earlier today so out of courtesy but slightly puzzled I'll repost now.

Ah, the sensible option. Thank you, that's, er very sensible and not to be sniffed at.

I'm slightly puzzled by your remarks re the 6.5 Swede Ackley: if it isn't particularly hard on barrels how much barrel life is going to be taken up with fireforming cases - more than once per case?

Sending you pm by the way.
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Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#8 Post by ovenpaa »

I still think the 6,5-284 is a good option if it will fit the magazine. It is a lovely round out to 1200 and more however barrel life would have to be a consideration...

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Gun Pimp

Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#9 Post by Gun Pimp »


I'm slightly puzzled by your remarks re the 6.5 Swede Ackley: if it isn't particularly hard on barrels how much barrel life is going to be taken up with fireforming cases - more than once per case?


Well, let's say effective barrel-life is around 1200 rounds - that doesn't mean it won't shoot beyond that but it won't shoot like it did at 500 rounds. So, fireform 100 cases and 8% of your barrel gone. You'd get maybe six firings per case, that's 600 shots and you need to fireform again! 16% barrel-life wasted fireforming! At around £600 for a new barrel fitted, that's £100 wasted just fireforming.

I went through the same excercise myself a couple of years ago with a 243 Ack. Barrel-life was about 750 rounds but a fifth of that went fireforming!

The 243Ack replaced a 6-284 - which burned out in about 500 rounds. I reckoned it would be cheaper to run but it didn't really work out that way. Admittedly benchrest is harder on barrels as we fire five rounds in 15 - 20 seconds. With F Class you can add maybe 50% to barrel-life.

284 is the sensible option.............


Re: 1000 /1200 yard chambering on 308 bolt face?

#10 Post by tikkathreebarrels »

Finally, finally, got my local FLA coming for a visit next week. He'll see the empty space where all the "collect and occasional use" 22 training rifles used to be (just got the Enfield No.8 to decide whether to sell or keep) and we'll get down to brass tacks on a variation for a long range fullbore calibre, so...

any advance on .284? I note one vote for 6.5x284, any other suggestions? Should I ask for 338 LapMag and see what happens?
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