CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

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Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#21 Post by breacher »

Gazza wrote:These are what I've got ... e-ar15-22/

Are these Gen 3 or Evo?
I use these with the very minimum if stoppages.

Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#22 Post by Gazza »

Airbrush wrote:
Gazza wrote:So do new CMMG's come with the old style mags now instead of the newer types?
BTW my bolt stays open on the last round. :good:
Without a mag inserted?
Yes, using the CMMG BHOA given to me by Rob who also said they dont work :D


Ive got two mags both started binding at the same time and both are as new with no damage.

I'm going to the range tonight so will see what happens with the dry lube trick :good:

Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#23 Post by Gazza »

I was going to nip over and see Rob at Lantac this afternoon with a view to getting some more mags and "discuss" this problem. lol
Alas its not to be as there is no answer from the Lantac establishment. I wonder what he does all day that keeps him from answering the phone lol

I just read this from Lantacs mag page............

Made from robust and hard wearing polymer material with added fiber to increase strength and durability.
Available in a number of colours including Black, Tan & Foliage Green (coming soon).
Designed to work with the CMMG Bolt Hold Open Actuator (BHOA) and LANTAC LA-R22 Bolt System (sold separately).
Operates with Atchisson-Ciener style bolt groups.
Easy loading and reliable feeding when maintained and kept clean from rimfire fouling media.

As the insurance people say when challenged...............its all in the wording. teanews

Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#24 Post by Gazza »

I got in touch with Rob at Lantac eventually and nipped over to discuss mag matters. teanews
It turns out the mag binding is a known issue wtf but has a work around/cure.
Anyway, I bought a couple of extra Lantac mags while I was there and when I got home they bound up on the 5th round lol
A strip, lube and then the workaround/cure applied and I was off to the range for a test.
300 rounds later all was well with no bindings on reloading :good:

I still couldnt get a price out of him for a 223 upper but could for a full rifle so I take it the upper is out of the question lol
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Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#25 Post by Dellboy »

I still couldnt get a price out of him for a 223 upper but could for a full rifle so I take it the upper is out of the question lol[/quote]

not yet ;)

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Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#26 Post by nickb834 »

Gazza wrote:I got in touch with Rob at Lantac eventually and nipped over to discuss mag matters. teanews
It turns out the mag binding is a known issue wtf but has a work around/cure.
Anyway, I bought a couple of extra Lantac mags while I was there and when I got home they bound up on the 5th round lol
A strip, lube and then the workaround/cure applied and I was off to the range for a test.
300 rounds later all was well with no bindings on reloading :good:

I still couldnt get a price out of him for a 223 upper but could for a full rifle so I take it the upper is out of the question lol
Hi mate long time no speak!

Can you share the details of the work around / cure?

I had the same problems as you initially with mine about oooh 4 years ago - tried all sorts - CMMG let me cut the mag springs down to see if that helped - it didn't. Then the importer let me warranty them back in for some Black Dog mags, which were better but not great. Then I actually read the manual for the BHOA - where it states you have to fit it to the gun (as in file to fit), this improved things to maybe 1 error in oooh 100 rounds. Therafter I switched to the Lantac mags (the ones with lantac name moulded into side - the new ones don't seem to have this anymore) anyhoo - soon as I switched to those - no more issues whatsoever.

I'd have chimed in sooner on this thread but I don't frequent FB much these days.........

The other thing I did was junk the forward assist - as in the plastic serrated follower that fits in behind the bolt / firing pin - I never used it even though mine does have the forward assist plunger and all it did was get dirty!

Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#27 Post by Gazza »

Hi Nick :good:
I hope all is well over there.
The workaround is a simple one. Load up the mag till it starts binding then back off the allen screws ever so slightly till you hear the spring "boing" insert some more rounds and if it binds again repeat till its free. Backing off the screws is literally nothing so the two halves are still tight.
I bought some Lantac mags while I was over there and they were binding from the start so just did the screw backing off and they loaded up. I was thinking about somehow making the spring well a bit bigger (sanding) but this would be difficult to do accurately as the well curves as well as being round.
I have many CMMG questions so I'll PM you later when I have more time if thats OK :good:

Re: CMMG AR15 mag binding woes

#28 Post by nickb834 »

Yeah sure no probs pm away - if there's owt of use we can post it back here for others to benefit from (or not as may be the case!).

I have fallen foul of mod-itis with my CMMG - there's not much that's standard anymore, well the barrel and recievers are still as they left the factory but everything else......... kukkuk

TBH - I was thinking of getting a .223 barrel for it as opposed to drop the 3500 quid fat bob wants for an SGC lever release. I don't shoot minirifle so don't need it as a semi 22RF for that (besides, when I did my MP5 was way better) and we've been getting upto strensall a decent amount this year - so I may convert to centre fire, might even go 6.5 Grendel for it - but undecided.
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