Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

If we entered a time of Civil Unrest/Armageddon/Zombie Attacking, what would we do?

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Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#1 Post by Gazza »

If they are brain dead and rotting then why do they want fresh meat?
That kept me awake last night :D
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#2 Post by dromia »

"Why dont zombies eat other zombies?"

'Cos they taste sh!te.

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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#3 Post by Gazza »

I would have thought all sense of taste would have gone lol
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#4 Post by BamBam »

Even zombies have standards.

Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#5 Post by Gazza »

I wonder if they ever think.......hmmm, I fancy an Indian tonight lol
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#6 Post by Dark Skies »

Why do they need to eat at all? It's not like they can eat themselves healthy - they're dead and don't get any better looking for consuming nourishment.

Also, how come they don't put on weight in the stomach? None of their digestion system works so they're just packing their stomachs with rotting meat - it doesn't get processed and it doesn't get s*** out - so why don't they swell around the middle with the combination of putrefying meat and horrendous gas?

And, now you've got me started, why aren't they walking around constantly dribbling diarrhoea and farting as the pressure of the accumulating methane overcomes their weakening anal sphincters?

And ... why don't they just set them alight if methane IS an issue?

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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#7 Post by BamBam »

Are you saying that humans are red meat and red meat is bad for you?

Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#8 Post by Gazza »

There are lots of unanswered questions regarding zombies.
You would think the film people would think this through better and have them dripping sh!t, massively obese due to gas with the odd one exploding and eating flesh with it going stright through and out of a ripped out hole where the stomach should be.
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#9 Post by snayperskaya »

Don't know but I do know that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny!!!

My thought has always been why aren't zombies covered in flies/maggots and stripped to the bone in a matter of no time by everything in the animal world that eats carrion???.
Last edited by snayperskaya on Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why dont zombies eat other zombies?

#10 Post by Gazza »

snayperskaya wrote:Don't know but I do know that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny!!!
Ahem....this is a serious debate :D
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