No4 MkII Butt Plate

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No4 MkII Butt Plate

#1 Post by Mike357 »

I'm after an original butt plate for a No4 MkII? Is it brass with space for oil bottle/pull through?

Anybody help?
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Re: No4 MkII Butt Plate

#2 Post by Dougan »

Mike357 wrote:I'm after an original butt plate for a No4 MkII? Is it brass with space for oil bottle/pull through?

Anybody help?
Short answer: Yes.

According to 'British Enfield Rifles Volume 2' (Charles R. Stratton) - The buttplate was the same shape for all No.4s, with the only variation being the material it was made from...some were made from cast alloy (grey in colour), and some from steel (oil blackened) ...but the vast majority were made from cast brass.

However the underside of the butt plate (where it attaches to the rifle) is slightly different on the SMLE version - so if you're buy from ebay, make sure it's for a No.4....

Hope this helps :)

Btw: I can recommend the book (also Volume 1, which covers SMLEs) - they cover all the types, variations, parts, markings and history of Enfields :good:
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