Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ranges

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Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ranges

#1 Post by Humb1e_1 »

Morning all,

I'm going to be taking up shooting Tactical / McQueens and Practical / CSR at my local range in Diggle. I believe these are shot up to about of 600yds, and occasionally out to 1000yds.

I'm considering using .223 due to light recoil and cheap ammo when compared to other calibres. I have also been looking at .308, due to its ability to buck the wind a bit better than .223, and moderate priced factory ammo. I don't reload at the moment, but will be learning as soon as I can.

However, my main concern is the wind. For those that don't know Diggle, it can get a bit 'windy'.....

I've searched on forums and looked at ballistics charts to try and compare but have always found differing stories, and its not always clear from what rifle type have been tested. Ive also spoken to people at Diggle regarding their choices. Some say .223 is fine to 600yds others have said they wouldn't be able to compete using 223.

So i'm really after some wider impressions on what the 223 is capable of when fired from something like a R700 SPS Tactical, and how the wind will really be affecting my shooting.


The Gun Pimp
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Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#2 Post by The Gun Pimp »

I've been shooting at Diggle for the last 30 years. The wind is what makes rifle shooting what it is. And, I've shot in just as strong winds at Bisley and other ranges.

What I'm trying to say - stop worrying about the wind - that's the fun bit!

Yes - if you want to shoot well you need to learn to read the wind and shoot a 'wind-bucking' cartridge - like the 7mmWSM! But, no one shoots a 7mmWSM in CSR/Tactical/Practical/McQueen.

Most CSR shooters use the 223 in their AR straight-pulls. In Tactical and McQueen, you'll see everything from 6BR to 308 and everything in between. 6.5x47 and 6.5 Creedmoor are the latest fads.

If you want one 'do all' rifle then look at the Ruger Precision in 6.5 Creedmoor. Do a season with us and, at the end of it, you'll know what you want.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a Remmy SPS in 223 - it won't live with the ARs in CSR. In 308 the SPS is a good all-rounder but the stock is rubbish and you'll need to spend money on a mag. conversion or new stock and by the time you've done that you could've bought the Ruger - or even the Tikka T3x TAC A1 - which is now cheaper than the latest Ruger.
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Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#3 Post by Mattnall »

I'm sure at Diggle there would be someone who would let you borrow a rifle of every type you want to see what works for you. You might be able to borrow one for a match. If you come to Bisley to shoot the league matches you can hire one from the range office or even get the loan of one from one of the regular entrants.

The best thing I can advise is try it first, it doesn't really matter what you use as each time you'll find something else you like or must change about a set up to help you make a better choice for you. There is no real wonder rifle for CSR or practical, if you go to a match you'll find 100+ shooters each using a different set up. Find a rifle you think you'll get on with and then add or change things as you find a requirement. Often it is the-simpler-the-better as a rule when it comes down to it and then more about the shooter's technique than the kit.

It's a long road, I've been competing at Practical/McQueens and CSR for over 20 years and still think there's something I can do to score better (usually it is me and not the kit that I have trouble with now).
Arming the Country, one gun at a time.

Good deals with Paul101, Charlotte the flyer, majordisorder, Charlie Muggins, among others. Thanks everybody.

Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#4 Post by Humb1e_1 »

The Gun Pimp wrote:I've been shooting at Diggle for the last 30 years. The wind is what makes rifle shooting what it is. And, I've shot in just as strong winds at Bisley and other ranges.

What I'm trying to say - stop worrying about the wind - that's the fun bit!

Yes - if you want to shoot well you need to learn to read the wind and shoot a 'wind-bucking' cartridge - like the 7mmWSM! But, no one shoots a 7mmWSM in CSR/Tactical/Practical/McQueen.

Most CSR shooters use the 223 in their AR straight-pulls. In Tactical and McQueen, you'll see everything from 6BR to 308 and everything in between. 6.5x47 and 6.5 Creedmoor are the latest fads.

If you want one 'do all' rifle then look at the Ruger Precision in 6.5 Creedmoor. Do a season with us and, at the end of it, you'll know what you want.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a Remmy SPS in 223 - it won't live with the ARs in CSR. In 308 the SPS is a good all-rounder but the stock is rubbish and you'll need to spend money on a mag. conversion or new stock and by the time you've done that you could've bought the Ruger - or even the Tikka T3x TAC A1 - which is now cheaper than the latest Ruger.

Thanks for the reply, i think you're right, i probably need to get a decent bit of shooting done, then see what I like / need to carry on.

Both the Tikka and the Ruger may be out of my price range at the moment, especially when forking out in one lump. If getting .308 i have looked at the Bergara HMR which already is magazine fed and has some decent reviews too. I'll have another look on the weekend and see what everyone is using.

My only issue with the 6.5cm is the cost of factory ammo, which i'll have to be using for a while, once i can hand load it wont be an issue.

Thanks for your help!
Last edited by Humb1e_1 on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#5 Post by Humb1e_1 »

Mattnall wrote:I'm sure at Diggle there would be someone who would let you borrow a rifle of every type you want to see what works for you. You might be able to borrow one for a match. If you come to Bisley to shoot the league matches you can hire one from the range office or even get the loan of one from one of the regular entrants.

The best thing I can advise is try it first, it doesn't really matter what you use as each time you'll find something else you like or must change about a set up to help you make a better choice for you. There is no real wonder rifle for CSR or practical, if you go to a match you'll find 100+ shooters each using a different set up. Find a rifle you think you'll get on with and then add or change things as you find a requirement. Often it is the-simpler-the-better as a rule when it comes down to it and then more about the shooter's technique than the kit.

It's a long road, I've been competing at Practical/McQueens and CSR for over 20 years and still think there's something I can do to score better (usually it is me and not the kit that I have trouble with now).

I'm up on the weekend so i will see if there's anyone that might let me have a shot, if there is time etc, or at least ask a tonne of questions.

"usually it is me and not the kit that I have trouble with now" i imagine that'll be my story for a good while, i guess i'll be able to figure out what I want and need as i go on.

Thanks very much!
The Gun Pimp
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Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#6 Post by The Gun Pimp »

Humble-1 We have a Tactical shoot on Sunday so you will see a nice variety of rifles.

I'm Diggle's Membership Secretary so maybe we've already met - if you have an application in. If not, ask for Vince and I'll be happy to answer all your questions.

Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#7 Post by Humb1e_1 »

The Gun Pimp wrote:Humble-1 We have a Tactical shoot on Sunday so you will see a nice variety of rifles.

I'm Diggle's Membership Secretary so maybe we've already met - if you have an application in. If not, ask for Vince and I'll be happy to answer all your questions.

Hi Vince,

I thought that might have been you, but wasn't sure!

We have indeed met, this visit will be to get my probationers card signed off (I hope), so can have a quick chat then if you have the time.

See you Sunday!
The Gun Pimp
Posts: 1154
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:08 pm

Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#8 Post by The Gun Pimp »

Yep - always time for a chat about guns!

Re: Tactical Shoot / Practical & CSR - Calibres for Windy Ra

#9 Post by Humb1e_1 »

The Gun Pimp wrote:Yep - always time for a chat about guns!
Haha, that's good to hear.... I wish my wife felt the same way
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