Anderton shooting range

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Anderton shooting range

#1 Post by krum2000 »

I don't suppose anyone's knows anything about a rifle club in Anderton in Northwich, Cheshire? It's just been brought to my attention and I can't find anything about it other than I think it's called Hydra rifle club. I will try and nip round when I get a spare minute but if anyone knows anything it would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Anderton shooting range

#2 Post by krum2000 »

Been for a walk down by the river today and actually found it. :good: It's set right out of the way. Definitely seems to be still in use, kept tidy, new lock up, fresh tyre tracks. Will go down on Saturday hopefully and see if anyone's knocking about. bumpsign
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Re: Anderton shooting range

#3 Post by BamBam »

Looks pretty good, always interested in hearing about other clubs in the NW.
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Re: Anderton shooting range

#4 Post by shotgun sam »

Looks all right, let us know if you go and try it out
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meteor mk2
smk 19 (0.22)
ruger 12/22 stainless synthetic 22lr
cz 452 style 16 inch 22lr
tikka t3 lite stainless 223
308 howa 1500 varmint
BSA Lightning XL (0.22)
Lanber Over and Under
Baikal mp153
AYA Cosmos 410
1917 BSA SMLE 303

Re: Anderton shooting range

#5 Post by KidsClays&Cartridges »

Found it on google maps, I think. Looks like it's in the middle of Anderton nature park with public footpaths right near it. I wonder how that works in terms of safety, etc. Also near me so would be interested in more details if you get them.
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Re: Anderton shooting range

#6 Post by Dark Skies »

I looked it up and was distracted by this obituary for Derek 'Blaster' Bates founder of the Hydra and Full Bore Sporting Rifle Club and its lifelong president. ... ainsection

... and also this.

Whether TimLad is still an active reader here is another matter but he'd be the chap to try and contact. ... 71&start=0
"I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore."

Re: Anderton shooting range

#7 Post by krum2000 »

Yeah, I read that obituary, he sounds like an amazingly interesting man. Puts me to shame with his action packed life. :D

I also saw Timlad's post last night but it doesn't seem like he is still a member on here, he doesn't come up on the members list from what i can see. I couldn't click on anything to get to a profile like I could with others.

I cant find anything else about the range at all online and the only thing near it is an old sign warning of shooting on saturday afternoons so keep dogs on leashes. :cry: Next port of call is to go walk down there when the sign says it on and see if anyones about.

There are public footpaths right past the front and sort of round the sides, but it looks like just woodand behind. I honestly don't know how the safety would work. :squirrel:
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Re: Anderton shooting range

#8 Post by FredB »

I'm old. I remember this range in the 1960s: it was .22 prone rifle only and I suspect it still will be.
Derek Bates was a leading light in the Mid-Cheshire pistol club and he used to sponsor a competition every year at the Sealand range. The "Blaster Bates Pistol Pot" was a semi-practical competition, designed so that it gave an equal chance with either revolvers or semi-autos. I never won it, but I was second once and Derek presented me with a frozen chicken!

Re: Anderton shooting range

#9 Post by krum2000 »

Prone .22 wouldn't surprise me, it only looks like about 50 foot at the most so full bore would be a bit much methinks.

I would absolutly enter a comp if the prize was a frozen chicken. lol

Re: Anderton shooting range

#10 Post by krum2000 »

Alrighty then, found it. shakeshout Couldn't miss it for the noise of the short barrelled full bore rifle shaking the trees. haha

Spoke to a very nice man called Graham who says its only a very small club, 50 members at most and its not advertised at all anymore. You have to know someone already there to invite you. When my license comes through and I buy my equipment, give him a call or come back down and we can go from there.

Its only 4 hours, 12 till 4, on a Saturday and its 50 and 100 feet, but they cater to everything from rimfire to full bore to shotgun slugs so that's a bonus. Normally between 4 and 15 people per week looks like, friendly enough bunch. Definitely going to give him a call at a later date. :D
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