Application to Visit

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Application to Visit

#1 Post by Carlax »

Thought I’d post given I have been lurking on the board for the last few months and the advise posted has helped me immensely through application, installing safe & visit

Some of these points I didn’t know the answers to, so this might help others:

• Approached a couple of clubs in my area all friendly no issue just turning up on the right day
(contacted by email first)
• 6 months probationary membership went by no issues with plenty of training given. (Pistol
calibre rifles and .22s of varying flavours)
• Cabinet placement – was worry about placing in an attached garage given varying things read
here and in general. FEO had no issue with where it was installed and checked it was installed
with expanding bolts in an external wall (Also covered by house alarm and CCTV) He had an
attempt at moving it, clearly wouldn’t budge and said was fine. (ammo safe in main safe was
also fine)
• I had asked for 2x .22 (a LBP and semi auto rifle) and .357 and .44 underlever – he knocked me
down to two didn’t seem to care which just less guns. But also let me add on a moderator which
I’d forgotten in my excitement. I could request them to be added back in later via a variation in a
couple of months as I’m an “unknown quantity”.
• Also reduced my ammo holding by half id asked for 1200 .22 limited to 600 ok’d my 500 .44
• He said doctors had refused to give an opinion, remains to be seen if that causes an issue in due
course I guess….…(mentioned that the boss might not like it)
• Visit was arranged at very short notice and took maybe 40 mins had to show some ID – driving
• Mentioned that incidences of people being followed home from local ranges and robbed recently
and that if guns are stolen from a car its your fault and punishable accordingly.

Now I’m told I wait another 3-4 weeks after about 8 initially pre-visit.

All in all, if that pans out seems like an ok wait.…

West Midlands and Staffordshire Police if that makes a difference.
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Location: Reading West Berks

Re: Application to Visit

#2 Post by kennyc »

to the best of my knowledge, as long as you have taken reasonable precautions with the security of guns in an unoccupied car then its not your fault if you are a victim of crime! I always cable lock my guns in the car to the cargo loops, and take fore-end/bolts and ammo with me as a precaution.

Re: Application to Visit

#3 Post by Blair_Mc »

Finding a club was easy, though many didn't reply to email. (my pet annoyance is many club websites look like something from the early 90's)

My visit was reasonably quick and painless but I forgot the types of competitions I would be entering to justify both a bolt action and semi-automatic in .22; no real problem as the FEO understood my gibberish lol.
Gun and ammunition cabinet was pulled on and no probs there; I told the guy I was going to put another lock on the door to the storage area but he was happy that the cabinets were securely bolted to the brickwork and of the correct BS standard.

I requested 1500 rounds but was taken down to 500 and told if I could justify needing more then I could do so in a future variation. I wasn't completely surprised by this as reading on a few forums that the Police do this nationwide. So always seems good to ask for more and be perfectly reasonable with them when they bump you down. I was told that first applications in my area usually don't get more than 2 firearms of the same calibre this may vary by region I suppose? I applied for moderators for both but they weren't discussed much if at all.

Being responsible for your fire arm being stolen from your car is only going to be your fault if you do something silly like leave it in plain sight or not locking your car if you have to buy petrol. Best thing is to follow the guidance given on the government website about traveling with your firearm and plan your route to avoid making any stops along the way if possible. it's only when you stop in a vehicle that you are vulnerable to theft.

The GP is the only bit outside of our control and applicants should show some real patience here and forward planning. For me the whole process with the GP filling out the medical questionnaire took about a month and only came to an end today. Partly because I work a lot and partly because the GP didn't fill the questionnaire in properly the first time and then it got lost in the post the second time they posted it.
In the end I had to ask the GP to email it to the Police and even then they used a copy of the original, incomplete form so it required a second email too. I don't think the Police care about the guideline that states an applicant shouldn't be disadvantaged by a GPs non-compliance so getting worked up about it won't help. It may be easier to ring round GP practices in your area to see which are "firearm friendly" before starting the FAC application process and even then keep in mind that they practice medicine not administration.

As I wait for the next part of the process which I hope is the successful issue of my FAC ( fingerscrossed ) my best advice is to plan ahead, practice telling your FEO what you want and why you want them and make sure the gun cabinet(s) are bolted on tight. It really is all you can do... oh then expect it all go horribly wrong with your GP
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