Drill bits

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Drill bits

#1 Post by Gazza »

My drill bits have seen better days now so I'm looking to replace the lot.
What's a good make for middle of the road bits?
A quick look on the net sees a set of 1-13mm dormers coming in at 80 quid while no name makes are 15 quid.
What are you chaps using?
BTW, a machining/messing about section would be good for these questions :p
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Re: Drill bits

#2 Post by Dark Skies »

I use a LOT of drill bits in my workshop so it isn't practical to use the 'reasonably priced' items as I'd be forever buying replacements. I'm the first to admit I'm rubbish at sharpening bits so it isn't an option to buy cheap and resharpen.
I go to the States a lot so have brought back a decent supply of Irwin cobalt bits with split points (reduces the tendency to walk).
They are pricey over here but excellent. In the long run high quality drill bits are items that pay for themselves in comparison to the average B&Q items.
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Re: Drill bits

#3 Post by ovenpaa »

I use Guhring cobalt drills in the workshop for all materials including stainless and titanium, however I also use solid carbide drills for repetitive jobs with tough materials. Whilst talking about drilling I use Volkel hand taps for everything I can buy them for, after that I use SKF and then imported USA stuff. I only use solid carbide end and slot mills, not sure of the make as the Viking buys them in, same for inserts, they are 95% carbide with a few ceramic for special jobs.

For the record, I am no longer a fan of Dormer, they are not really where they were a few years ago in my opinion.

Yes a machining section would be nice as these posts get lost in GoM.

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Re: Drill bits

#4 Post by Alpha1 »

I dont use the cheaper drills I found its false economy. I drill a lot of acrylics and hardwoods the size of the holes is critical. The cheaper ones tend to wander and soon loose there edge.
A machining section would be usefull. But its not likely go happen.
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Re: Drill bits

#5 Post by bradaz11 »

could stick it under the wider umbrella of gunsmithing??
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Re: Drill bits

#6 Post by Alpha1 »

They poo pood an optics section so you have no chance of getting a machining section.
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Re: Drill bits

#7 Post by Alpha1 »

Surely by now, you have realized look at the posts in the forum the ones that run forever this is not a shooting forum it's a debating society.
If you want to discuss shooting related topics there are other forums out there that better cater to your needs. When was the last time anyone posted anything that was actually worth a look shooting wise? that ran for more than a couple of comments. There is a guy in the newby forum that has pages and pages about a FAC visit what's that all about. Pages and pages about a shooting club visited by the plod and shut down because they didn't allegedly keep everything up to date with the home office approval guidelines. Boring Boring Boring.

A machinist section not a chance.

Re: Drill bits

#8 Post by Gazza »

And this now moved to GoM so half the people wont see it now, oh well lol
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Re: Drill bits

#9 Post by DL. »


Re: Drill bits

#10 Post by Gazza »

I'm still on the quest for new drills.
Are SKF and Dormer one and the same?
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