NSRA - Forced Membership

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NSRA - Forced Membership

#1 Post by Pippin89 »

Hi All

I had an email from my club secretary yesterday to ask for opinions on a new proposal by the NRSA. What is boils down to is that the NSRA needs money so is proposing that all members of smallbore clubs are forced to sign up as an NRSA member at a cost of £35 a year. This would be added to the clubs membership fee.
In return they are offering equipment cover up to a value of £500 and liability insurance.

I replied saying that I would be happy to pay it if we ended up having to. But the real question... what does the NSRA do for smallbore shooters? And more importantly, what do they do that the NRA doesn't do? Would it make sense for the NRA and NSRA to combine or share resources (if they don't already)? Genuine questions from someone fairly new to the sport.
Lancs Lad

Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#2 Post by Lancs Lad »

Pippin89 wrote:Hi All

I had an email from my club secretary yesterday to ask for opinions on a new proposal by the NRSA. What is boils down to is that the NSRA needs money so is proposing that all members of smallbore clubs are forced to sign up as an NRSA member at a cost of £35 a year. This would be added to the clubs membership fee.
In return they are offering equipment cover up to a value of £500 and liability insurance.

I replied saying that I would be happy to pay it if we ended up having to. But the real question... what does the NSRA do for smallbore shooters? And more importantly, what do they do that the NRA doesn't do? Would it make sense for the NRA and NSRA to combine or share resources (if they don't already)? Genuine questions from someone fairly new to the sport.

I would suggest that there is more chance of Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister than the NSRA forcing this fee onto clubs that shoot smallbore. Their financial ineptitude put them into the mess that they are in and the NSRA needs to bite the bullet (pun) and combine with the NRA.

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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#3 Post by Gazza »

Isn't forcing people to give you money illegal? wtf
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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#4 Post by dromia »

In future be sure and post in the correct forum, if you do not it will be removed!!

There is absolutely no need or reason for any club let alone a member to be joined to the NSRA. There are plenty of leagues and competitions for members if that is their persuasion usually a minority of club members. My small bore club switched from the NSRA to the NRA as it was cheaper and the insurance cover, the only reason for being a member of any "national" body anyway is way better.

The NSRA is struggling because it is totally irrelevant to most legal gun owners and an action such as this will just distance them from shooters even more, they sound like a real bunch of totally out of ouch idiots to come up with is scheme.

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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#5 Post by Les »

Our Chairman tried to force this on us at the last AGM (not the WDRPC club), but he was left in no doubt that it was not appreciated. If I wanted to be a member of the NSRA, I already would be. Personally I couldn't give a toss if they go out of business.
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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#6 Post by Christel »

I am ambivalent about this, have known about the proposal for awhile and run it past several people.

The essence of the feedback I have gotten is that ideally we shooters would have one organisation that then catered for all disciplines.

Reality is of course something entirely different.

Because the NRA and BASC are not fit for that function perhaps the NSRA ought to be supported?

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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership.

#7 Post by stuarta »

The shooting clubs I belong to shoot black powder, gallery rifle, shotguns, full bore, air and small bore. It would be impossible to say everyone should support the NSRA when they are irrelevant to the discipline many members shoot. I have my insurance for shooting through my membership of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association so I do not need additional cover and would resist paying extra to keep a sinking association afloat for no benefit.
The NSRA have large debts so I can't see the NRA taking them over.
Shooting sports in the UK need a single national body that can represent all shooting sports in the face of increasing hostility to gun ownership by the media and government. Sad to say, the existing fragmented associations have limited influence and focus on their own survival. Unless you are a member you would hardly know they exist

Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#8 Post by Tacticool »

A NSRA member at our club has been letting us know about this. Only about 10% of the club shoot a relevant discipline and basically the idea has been laughed at and ridiculed. It is not likely to be successful.
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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#9 Post by RDC »

When was this communicated to NSRA Members / NRSA affiliated club secretaries?
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Re: NSRA - Forced Membership

#10 Post by hitchphil »

Ha they tried this 30 years ago when I was a club only member. Range shooting only a club needs to have adequate insurance in place at all times, it doesn’t require individuals to be insured or to be affiliated members - so if they insist then you can go buy CPSA or the beaters & shunters or some other club insurance. But then all that is insured is club members shooting, club guns, on the club range - own guns aren’t insured, nor are members at other ranges / clubs.

its explained here : https://bluefin-live-assets.s3.amazonaw ... lowres.pdf

They already ask for members names, address, email etc (& gdpr is not a reason to not provide that) so if you dont & they have an accident, then if they are not a probationary member or guest at a formal guest day, they may be refused insurance cover or pay out. The club may be covered, its kit & officers, but not the members & really if you own a rifle / kit you value, why don’t you insure it yourself? vs rely on luck & club cover? £35 seems like a very reasonable deal on that. So i guess you choose your cover & pays your money.

The NSRA isn’t broke because of financial ineptitude & all the other bull & bile promoted on here about NGO's -its because they pay Business Rates on the Lord Roberts Centre & that’s a major cost burden running the place & really they have been quite imaginative in generating other revenues from: ice hockey, weddings, swimming, sports centre, fitness suite, cafe even camping along their 'Berlin wall' etc. The levels of debt £495k are secured vs other assets (so they cant be sold) & so their operating funds are squeezed. Their accounts have it in 'costs in commercial trading' £1.9m! (rates, heat, elec, wages, goods)

But keep on slagging them & NRA etc off & talking them down..............
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