Worth a mention

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Sim G
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Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:09 pm

Re: Worth a mention

#11 Post by Sim G »

TRG-22 wrote:So are the Poles snowflakes or unsavoury?

And the Turks?

The Chinese? I suppose they (at an institutional/governmental level, I'm not trying to broad-brush 1.5M people at a personal level) do actually have an unwarranted sense of entitlement, are easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

But then so does the odious House of Saud.

As for Trump.....

The Poles are anything but snowflakes or unsavoury...
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Worth a mention

#12 Post by TRG-22 »

Sim G wrote:The Poles are anything but snowflakes or unsavoury...

https://ruleoflaw.pl/commissioner-for-h ... reject-it/
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