hitchphil wrote:Andy632 wrote:Maybe the NRA could give us a refund on the Affiliation fees???????????????
Oh, look, a pig has just flown past my window!
= Sure - if you want to bankrupt & bring the organisation down?
This is not an NRA Emergency Aid Fund! - its Sport England / GB etc. NRA are just bringing it to the attention of membership & clubs. Personally I think shooting will be a long way down the queue & then there are the standard prejudices anyway to get any benefit, but in theory if you have a range with some costs you might get some help.
NB About 300 Bisley caravan & hut licence fee holders are in effect subbing the NRA the equivalent of £150k because we will get no rebate on that for no use or access, from March to when? end June 3m ~£75k worth, or end Aug ~£150k ish.
Thats about the same as asking every individual Member to increase their subs by £10 to £15 each. If NRA asked for +£10 to £15 from every member to survive & be there in 2020 - will you pay in?
There are a lot of non members in affiliated clubs, the only contribution they make is a share of the £80 affiliation fee & £10 for their safe cert card which doesn't make a contribution over its costs. So far from clubs asking NRA for a rebate? maybe NRA should be asking for a sub for every non NRA member in all its affiliated clubs? as NSRA are looking to do? as many other sporting organisations (Scuba Tennis etc) already do..... but shooting doesn't? - a lot of people get their shooting for very little if any real contribution to the club based side of the sport?
Maybe now is the time to redress that balance?
I've included the full post so context still exists. However I strongly disagree with this. My concern is that a vote for you is a vote for increased fees for members of affiliated clubs, when all it will do is keep Bisley afloat during this time of lost range revenue.[/quote]
Nowhere does that post say in this context thats what I will do, (so you have actually quoted it quite out of its context) - & I think you have missed the point of it too. In the extra ordinary circumstances of today, if we needed to raise emergency funds (& that is an if) to survive then there are untapped 'memberships' vs tapping the existing ones again & again & if there are calls for rebates then clubs that contribute c£200k vs caravan owners that contribute ~£366k pa might not have such a good case? & as for keeping Bisley afloat I think you mean a £3-4m turnover charity & membership org that maintains many on MoD ranges too. BASC/NSRA/CPSA etc cant do that. I only hope the regional range fund is intact after this, so NRA an go back to trying to expand its coverage in the country.
btw NSRA - suggested £35 / head for all club members but reduced club fees (I shouted that down to them then) - actually charging the person vs the clubs might just put an end to the cycle of duplicate insurances & costs incurred when joining multiple clubs. If NSRA do that? then watch others follow suit.
I also doubt that a fee charging structure will be the sole decision of Gen Council & my view as one voice of 20+ wont make a huge difference. I am not going to reply to look after the interests of non members over members, if thats what you are asking me to do? nor your own situation over & above the wider membership either - what i will say is - in that case will be - make it fair, make overall increases marginal - if any, recognise other shooting insurance where possible, make it compatible with HO rules, dont undermine the role or strength in the clubs & have exceptions for probationary, guests, U25 & disabilities etc.....
. I take it your are not interested in Jnr shooting then?
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX
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