I'm thinking of building a collection of rifles from the early 20th century as used in Ireland from the turn of the century to the War of Independence (Cogadh na Saoirse / Anglo-Irish War).
Staring with the Unionist Gun-Running at Larne in 1914:
- Gehwer 1888 M/88
Steyr 8x57 M1904 'Irish Mannlicher'
Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 10.4x38
And the Republican Gun-Running at Howth:
- Mauser M1871 11mm 'Howth Mauser'
Many others could doubtless follow. My intent is to hold most of these under Section 58. I appreciate the actual guns that were landed in both incidents are quite rare so I'm happy to just get the correct models - even if they've never been to Ireland :-)
As funds are sadly not unlimited I'd like to start with the oldest (and coolest in a steampunk like fashion), the Vetterli-Vitali.
All of which is a long winded way of asking if anyone has an old Italian bangstick converted from single shot to magazine