Variation for Non-HOA Club

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Variation for Non-HOA Club

#1 Post by Pippin89 »

Hi All

Pretty sure I know the answer to this, but if I join a new club that is not Home Office Approved, can I put in a variation for a calibre that I can shoot there but not at my main club? I am guessing no....

Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#2 Post by Thorney »

No, unless your main club is able to shoot that calibre.
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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#3 Post by dromia »

So how does that work then?

My main club is a small bore club but I have fullbore firearms because other clubs I shoot with do use ranges for those calibres so I still have good reason to posses.

I have firearms for shooting live quarry on land that I have permission to shoot over again reason to possess.

In fact most of the firearms I am authorised to possess are not suitable for use with my main club.

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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#4 Post by Thorney »

dromia wrote:So how does that work then?

My main club is a small bore club but I have fullbore firearms because other clubs I shoot with do use ranges for those calibres so I still have good reason to posses.

I have firearms for shooting live quarry on land that I have permission to shoot over again reason to possess.

In fact most of the firearms I am authorised to possess are not suitable for use with my main club.
Your permissions give you the good purpose to shoot those calibres. Under the UK rules a club is only a club for which you can use membership of as good reason for holding if its HO approved, otherwise it doesnt really exist in their minds.
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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#5 Post by dromia »

My land isn't HO approved.

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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#6 Post by Thorney »

dromia wrote:My land isn't HO approved.
Your land doesnt need HO approval, just needs police sign off as suitable to whatever calibre.

Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#7 Post by Thorney »

Basically the law says you cant have a Sect1 unless you have a good reason. There are only 2 good reasons;

1. shooting quarry
2. Target shooting

For 1. you need to show good reason for whatever gun you want and thats based on what you shoot and the land you shoot it over. The police will approve the land for those calibres it deems happy for and what you want to shoot. 1 acre with no backstop to shoot bunnies will not get you good reason for a .308.

For 2. they need to be HO approved and then allow the calibre you want to buy, a small bore club will not give good reason for the .308 as you cant shoot it at that club. However, if you then shoot at another club that is also HO approved (NRA, Bisley for example) then you can. But if Bisley stopped being HO approved then it wouldnt.

Clear as mud?

So in your example, lets say you have a .22 and a .308 Your club membership gives you good reason for the .22 and your land gives you good reason for your .308 and your .22.

Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#8 Post by Thorney »

I wrote this a year or so back for the target rifle reason (doesnt cover quarry shooting)

https://www.silverstoneshootingcentre.c ... in-the-uk/
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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#9 Post by dromia »

I can assess which land is suitable for me to shoot on it doesn't require the police to approve the land.

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Re: Variation for Non-HOA Club

#10 Post by Thorney »

dromia wrote:I can assess which land is suitable for me to shoot on it doesn't require the police to approve the land.
For an open ticket, yes. Not sure how that relates to the OP question though?
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