Vaccination and public/private coercion

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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#31 Post by Pippin89 »

Chuck wrote:
I assume the result will be all public spaces requiring vaccination in order to enter, they are talking about people being issued a scannable code as proof, and I'm all for that.
Seriously kukkuk kukkuk kukkuk kukkuk

Why do you admire the PRC so much and place so little value on your freedom and privacy - do you REALLY think it will stop there? So if it applies to (say) supermarkets you'dl be OK with that?

It seems you are all for discrimination - have a ook in your history books! Why not have them wear a badge, ring a bell - or just shove them into camps? Why not make flu jabs mandatory and force them to carry a wee scannable code i.e a vaccine passport by any other name, too.

These "passes" are a VILE idea and should be resisted by any right thinking person!

If you are all for it, will you accept liability when someone has a serious adverse reaction? Thought not!

ANYONE demanding people get jabbed or else should be legally liable when something goes wrong - after all, it's then part of a contract!

By your own logic, people that have not had the vaccine are liable if they pass Covid to someone and they are very ill from it. Considering the amount of people currently in hospital fighting the virus and zero serious adverse reactions in 15 million vaccines...... I would hedge my bets with the vaccine!
And yes, I would be more than happy if people who refuse to get the vaccine are banned from supermarkets. Your dog needs a vaccine passport to go into kennels or stay the night at a vets. Why would it make sense to treat human viruses any differently?
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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#32 Post by dromia »

If they want to give me a wee card with my name, vaccination date and details at time of inoculation fine, if someone wants to see it fine but if it is digital only then they can feck off. Why do people make the totally wrong assumption that everyone chooses to be a mobile phone carrier and user, such an assumption is arrogant and ignorant, why should people who choose not to use the corrupt and data thieving digital phone companies and networks be penalised?

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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#33 Post by glevum »

One reason for digital only vaccination certificate is to make it very difficult to forge.

There are plenty of fake Covid test certs being sold online. Going digital, if done correctly can remove the problem of fakes.
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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#34 Post by dromia »

Well as a non mobile phone user I will not be able to have one.

The issue of fakes is not as robust as portrayed, digital is as susceptible to forgery as any thing else. If something is designed it can and will be un-designed for nefarious purposes.

The internet is a hot bed of forgery and fakery.

It is just another pretendy argument to force the world digital, just like the issue of cash, you get all these supermarkets etc saying cash is unsafe and transmits the virus, then they have all their products on shelves with the world and his wife handling them and then getting packed into shopping bags, nary a word about virus transmission via these products, hypocritcal pocket lining lying bastards.

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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#35 Post by Daryll »

I've got mine booked for Wednesday, so we'll see how I feel the day after...

I don't normally suffer any reactions to Flu jabs, but had the Pneunomia jab a few months ago and suffered severe arm ache and flu-like symptoms for a day or 2..
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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#36 Post by Christel »

Daryll wrote:I've got mine booked for Wednesday, so we'll see how I feel the day after...

I don't normally suffer any reactions to Flu jabs, but had the Pneunomia jab a few months ago and suffered severe arm ache and flu-like symptoms for a day or 2..
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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#37 Post by Christel »

Due to the message only being on faceshite I missed a funeral recently.

I felt really bad about that, then I thought well if no one had the thought process to tell me then it can't have been that important and I stopped feeling bad about it.

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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#38 Post by Plumose »

As I understand it there is a greater chance of a reaction to the vaccination if you have had Covid, due to the existing antibodies reacting.
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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#39 Post by Polchraine »

Christel wrote:
Daryll wrote:I've got mine booked for Wednesday, so we'll see how I feel the day after...

I don't normally suffer any reactions to Flu jabs, but had the Pneunomia jab a few months ago and suffered severe arm ache and flu-like symptoms for a day or 2..
Had mine at 10:30 this morning - in the building for under 5 minutes, and 15 minutes in the car park afterwards.

Feeling fine - just minor soreness initially. With flu vaccinations I tend to have half a day feeling a little rough but that is all - so maybe tomorrow I might.

M-i-Ls funeral on Wednesday - the hospital where she was for 12 weeks failed to vaccinate an 85 yo at risk patient in that time. From a positive test to dying - 5 days, and previous bi-weekly tests were negative.

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Re: Vaccination and public/private coercion

#40 Post by Christel »

Plumose wrote:As I understand it there is a greater chance of a reaction to the vaccination if you have had Covid, due to the existing antibodies reacting.
Thought the anties went away after awhile?
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