Section 7 pistols and ranges

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Section 7 pistols and ranges

#1 Post by lovemovies22 »

Have you ever applied for a section 7 on a FAC, or a section 7.3 FAC, so you can use a pistol for target shooting and not have to resort to a rod and increasing the barrel length to apply to the Fireams Act? Have you ever applied to Bisley or other shooting ranges that allow you to shoot a section 7.3 pistol?

Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#2 Post by lovemovies22 »

To actually shoot the pistol, competitive shooting
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#3 Post by Webley »

My understanding is that although you are permitted to fire pistols on 7.3, it is not for competition. In fact I am not sure if you can put up a target, only fire it in to the backstop? This gives the sensation of firering to gain better understanding on historical and significant pistols and their workings You can't write books on something you can't possess or fire. Section 7 is not a backdoor to competition pistol shooting. You would need section 5 for that and I believe only the British Olympic team have those?
12"+ barrel and coat hanger, black powder pistols or travel to a less restricted country are your options. I would love to shoot pistols but I am not willing to join the police or criminal fraternity to be able to shoot one.

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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#4 Post by Webley »

Airsoft is another option.
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#5 Post by BooBoo »

There is no such thing as Competitive Shooting under s.7. This is expressly excluded as s.7 is not a way around the 1997 Handgun ban.

If you want to shoot competitive pistol in the traditional sense then you can either travel to those parts of the UK that are not touched by the Acts - Isle of Man, Channel Islands or NI... or travel further afield.

Other than that, there's LBP and muzzle loaders (such as the Alfa) as options?

s.7 allows for either the study at home (7.1) or study and shoot at designated centres such as Bisley (7.3).

There is an onerous process to follow as each gun has to tick one or more of four boxes for 7.3, less so for 7.1 (Obsolete Calibre, pre 1919, GENUINE Collection)... and all will require a great deal of writing to achieve.

The height of the bar tends to be force specific - some are more content than others and collections are often heavily restricted to those who have a long history of shooting behind them.

It would be very rare for someone to come straight into shooting and drop into s.7.

All of the constraints exist to ensure that only genuine collectors can avail themselves of s.7 (otherwise s.7 itself would be placed at risk).

I hope that this helps somewhat...
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#6 Post by bradaz11 »

you can of course shoot at targets, how else can you assess the accuracy of the item, let alone compare it to other guns?

but yeah, competitive shooting is not allowed.
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#7 Post by PeterN »

I kept my .455 Webley MkVI at the time of the ban with the reason that it was part of a collection of military firearms as I had a few military rifles. A few years later I added another .455 revolver that I bought from a friend who was emigrating. I just put in for a variation, along with a couple of rifles, for a .455 pistol with the reason as Section 7/1 collecting. It came back approved with no questions asked.
A chap I know has decided he would like to start a collection of pistols so at his last renewal he put for 12 various calibre pistols under Section 7/1. He is a long time shooter and RFD. The Firearms officer questioned the quantity requested but his argument was that 2 or 3 was not a really a collection was it, hence the number requested. He got his variation.
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#8 Post by ovenpaa »

Topically these were handed into a friend yesterday.

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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#9 Post by PeterN »

I would like one of those boxes which I could have under my ammunition collecting condition if I found one locally. However, I also have two .455 revolvers held under section 7/1. You are not supposed to have ammunition for a 7/1 firearm. So, can you have ammunition in a collection that fits a Section 7/1 revolver in your possession at the same time? It is a question that I had not thought about before. On reflection, I would probably not put it to the test.
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Re: Section 7 pistols and ranges

#10 Post by ovenpaa »

You can collect ammunition and you can collect S7-1 firearms, you cannot own a firearm and ammunition to suit. This is of course flawed due to crossover of ammunition.

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