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Rookandrabbit wrote: ↑Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:56 am
I don’t know if it’s as I get older but an awful lot of programmes have music which drowns out the spoken work
I completely agree with this bit. I am 59. But whatever your age, if you can't hear what's said....
Pete wrote: ↑Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:23 pm
This was from 1938 and would definitely have worked:
Turn the sound up and look/listen through to the end.......(and tell me what you reckon Krupa was on... )
Thanks for the suggestion. I agree that it is stunning in this rendition (1960s) but the original (1936 song) was slower. Wouldn't the 1960s' version be anachronistic too? I have not seen this before, so thanks VERY much. I love it. And you are right, crank up the volume!
I have a 2 CD set of the complete concert made from the original masters recorded in 1938. (From charity shop a few years ago).
And you're right, the tempo is slightly different.
"Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum" Lucretius
You're offended? Please explain why your inability to control your emotions translates into me having to censor my opinions....